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10:20 am -Friday-

"I want to stick with a pink and grey color scheme for the nursery." She grabs a pastel pink color card and a hot pink color card, holding it up and facing me, indicating a response of opinion.

I looked closely at the two cards and pointed my finger at the pastel pink card, smiling at the image of the nursery that popped up in my head.

She smiled back at me and put the other card back while grabbing a grey color card.

"Okay licia, I wanna walk around and search for a crib for a little bit than we can go get some lunch." She smiled back at me and I nodded my head, walking straight ahead, following behind her.

"So, this fiancé of yours," I swung around the clothing rack looking at her playful, yet seductive. She giggled a little bit and released a sigh, smiling from ear to ear. "What's he like ?"

"He's amazing. Everything that my last wasn't. He makes me smile effortlessly, has a way of making my stomach hurt from the endless laughter, even from the corny jokes he tells." She teared up a little.

"He makes me feel loved on the outside and inside. When I see him he makes my heart go 180 miles per hour." She smiles and I laugh at her, she's so in love !

"I'm happy for you serene. I really am and I'm glad you found someone that makes you feel like that." I looked at the price tag of the crib and instantly dropped it.

She grabs my face and smiles weakly at my sad expression. I'm supposed to be happy for her, yet I'm drowning in self pity of my failed relationship.

"Your right man will come soon sweetheart. No rainbow without a little rain." I chuckled at that and looked back up at her with doubt in my eyes.

"Yea right ! I'm out of business. After Johnathan I'm done with men... for good this time." She looked at me with a sly look .

She smiled at me turning around "we'll see about that ." She walked up to the crib that threw a hook at her heart, making her pregnant glow, glow brighter.

"Perfect !" She looked at the employee and flagged him down, with a big ass grin plastered on her face. This girl always liked the finer things, no matter the cost.

"We will take this one sir." The man walked over to us with a dolly and loaded the crib onto it, treading back up to the cash register.

I lingered behind, watching the numerous of baby furniture disappear as I walked forward, crossing out into the opening of the isle, I was halted by a strong impact of bumping into someone.

"Ouuf- I'm so sorry !" I looked up to meet the eyes I once loved. "Alex ?" He looked down at me and smiled .

"The one and only, well not really there are other Alex's out there but..." he trailed off with talking til his eyes landed back on me and his cheeks turned a rosy pink. Indicating he was a little embarrassed by his rambling.

"Sorry, I tend to go off topic when I'm nervous." He confessed, rubbing the back of his neck and adverting my eyes.

"Why you nervous, Alex ? We've known each other since highschool." I gave a smile, trying to ease his nerves.

"You're right ." He chuckled, becoming slightly more comfortable. I always had that effect on him .

He looked back at me and smiled . "So, serene's getting married in a few months," how'd he know that ? Had they been keeping in touch ?

"and I know you're married-" I quickly cut him off. I was soon to be free of that 'marriage' and I wanted people to know that.

"Divorced." He scrunched his face up in confusion yet he seemed shocked. "It's not official yet but, we are in the process of getting divorced." It felt weird, different to be saying that but, I didn't care. I felt relieved.

𝐋𝐮𝐬𝐭: 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐦 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now