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2:30 pm-later that evening-

I stepped out the shower, feeling the cool breeze that slipped in from the crack in the door, before grabbing and wrapping in my towel. I lean forward to wipe the mirror off from the fog that blurred it .

Catching my reflection, I smiled. Today was going to be a good rest of the day. Johnathan and his little situation left about 10 minutes after our little 'group session'. I felt more at peace now that I had said everything I needed to say.

Walking out into the bedroom, I opened the half empty closet, revealing the outfit I'd worn when I first met Johnathan. I can't lie, it brung back memories but, with those memories came feelings and the greatest feeling was confidence.

I was so confident back then and I wanted that feeling to resurface more than ever. So, with the self-esteem that lingered, I trailed forward and grabbed the outfit off the hanger and proceeded to get dressed.

-2:38 pm-

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-2:38 pm-

I glided down the stairs preparing to leave the house. Serene had called me earlier to see if I was still up to meeting her husband, I couldn't just flake so I told her yes and got dressed after.

Hearing her honk her horn, I checked myself in the mirror and gave myself a thumbs up and giggled, walking out the door and down the driveway to where she'd parked.

Getting closer to the car I heard her let out a whistle. "Damn girl you look so damn good !" She shrilled out. I dropped my head, laughing and entering her Jeep.

"I try, I try." Closing the door I turn and put my seatbelt on, facing her with a huge grin displayed on my face.

"You ready ?" She asks, excitement laced in her tone. I look deeply into her eyes, feeling her excitement wade into me.

"When am I never ready serene ?" She chuckles, starting her Jeep up and pulling off from my house.

"So what's new ? I know I just seen you this morning but, it's still a lot I don't seem to know." She keeps her attention on the road, tapping on the steering wheel. I sighed and laughed a little as memories reoccurred.

I looked over at her with an expression that screamed 'sis !'. Pulling up to a stop light, her head turns and her eyes widen when they connect with mine.

"Bitch ! Spill everything right now !" She says with all seriousness.

"Well, Johnathan and Denaya came into the house while I was there. Denaya got slick at the mouth and I had to shut her down. Johnathan just stood there like a dumbass saying nothing at all." I rolled my eyes, looking straight ahead .

𝐋𝐮𝐬𝐭: 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐦 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now