23 Time Frozen

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"I'm here because I love you, Reagan. I can't go another day without telling you!"

My whole world spun out of control in an instant. When Pierce punched Alec, I felt like I had been hit too. I watched helplessly as they fell into the pool. I couldn't watch it anymore. I fled into the house and called Nate for a ride. Pierce drove us to the party and I'd be damned if I let him drive me home. I texted Ella that I was hiding until my ride got there.

I hid in the guest room, watching the driveway. I saw Alec leave first. He walked up the driveway and disappeared onto the street. Pierce followed about a minute later. His car was at the end of the driveway. He idled at the curb for a minute or two. My phone vibrated in my pocket, but I left it unanswered. Eventually, he drove away too. The music started again outside and the incident was forgotten by the party at large.

A few minutes after the music began again Ella came to see me. Guilt overwhelmed me.

"I am so sorry," I spoke before she could. "I ruined your party."

She shrugged and crossed the room to sit on the guest bed. The red flush of anger gave way to her blemish-free tanned skin, but her lips remained in a tight line. "They're in control of their actions. Though, if you weren't here they wouldn't have been fighting at my party."

I lowered my eyes to the floor. My insides were twisted into knots. My voice was trapped in my throat.

He'd come to me. Alec stood before me and said he loved me. It was a moment long dreamed of and it was all wrong. He wasn't supposed to bust up a party. He wasn't supposed to fight my boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend? I had no idea where this left me with Pierce.

"Ella, I didn't mean for this happen. Ever. Especially not at your house."

Ella fell backwards and stared at the ceiling. Her chest rose and fell with deep breaths. "I know, but Reagan, I'm pissed. My ex crashes to declare his love for you. It's not fair."

I saw Nate's car pull into the drive. He might have honked, but the sound was lost to the music. "My brother is here." I walked to the door and stopped. "Does this mean we can't hang out anymore?"

The prospect filled me head to toe with dread. I'd come to value her friendship and how she got me out of my social shell.

Ella sat up and looked at me like I'd grown a second head. "Of course. I can't blame you for their actions." She got off the bed and hugged me. "We'll talk in a day or two."

Ella didn't walk me out but went back to her party. At least one thing was settled, I could still rely on Ella.

I trudged across the lawn to Nate's car. Carmen sat in the front seat, fiddling with the radio. I opened the door and the smell of pot surrounded me. It was vague but still pervaded from the seats. I hated the skunky odor and rolled down the window when I buckled my seatbelt.

"I hope you weren't smoking and driving."

In the rearview mirror, I caught Nate's eye. He rolled his eyes at me. "And risk Mom's wrath? No."

Small favors at least. "Thanks for coming to get me. I didn't know who else to call."

"Well, I couldn't leave my sister alone at a party."

Carmen, still scanning the radio, snapped her head to glare at Nate. "Yeah right. I had to convince him to come out." She looked over her shoulder at me and winked. "He wanted to stay in and order pizza."

"Reagan is a big girl who can get her own ride home with one of her little friends." Nate pulled onto the street, pointing us toward home.

"Why couldn't Pierce drive you?" Carmen asked as she settled on an alt-rock channel.

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