14 Fireworks

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Pierce was a good kisser, actually a great kisser. Though I had nothing to compare it to, I feel like the breathlessness he left me with when our lips parted was not something that happened with everyone. We sat on the hood of his car locked in each other's arms. Overhead fireworks boomed and lit up the sky in sparkles of green, blue, red, and just about every color in the rainbow.

We broke apart and I put my head on Pierce's chest to watch the display of color in the night sky. His heart pounded dulling in my ear, and I snuggled closer.

It had been just over a week since the barbeque. That night, after my dad stormed out, we talked for hours. I cried, despite best efforts to hold it in, and then he came over, climbing into my bedroom. He brought comfort foods and a funny movie. He didn't pressure me to talk anymore about my parents. He, to my surprise given our date, let me lead the conversation. He came over every night after that or I met him at playgrounds in the area or at the movies, anywhere to get out of the house.

Then, three nights prior, I kissed him as we waited for our drive-thru order to be ready. I surprised myself and him. And each time I kissed him, it was just as wonderful and surprising as that first one while we waited for fries and burgers.

"Have you told your friend about us?" Pierce asked and his chest rumbled as he spoke.

I rolled away from him, propping myself up on my elbows. His face was briefly illuminated with the blue of the most recent firework, the boom rattling through me.

"No. He still views you as the jerk who ruined my first date."

"I mean, I don't mind being your dirty, little secret." He walked his fingers up my arm, leaving a trail of warmth on my skin. "But I don't think you want to do that. Don't you tell that dude everything?"

I leaned my head back and emitted a guttural groan. "Yeah, it's...complicated." I looked back down at him.

His face was hard to read completely in the dark, but I could see his brow draw together in consternation. "You said you never dated, but did you want to?" He covered my hand with his.

"Yes." There was no point in lying. "But he decided we should just be friends. And I've stupidly carried a torch for him for so long, but I'm...I don't know...worried about telling him."

"But why? You said he's happy with Ella and you're happy for him. And you're happy here with me?"

I nodded. He reached up and brushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear. It made me shudder in a very pleasant way that snaked all through my body.

"I am. It's nice to have someone like me, in the same way, I like him," I said. "I don't want Alec to judge you based on my previous assessment of you because regardless of our past, he is very much a figure in my present and his opinion matters to me."

Pierce sat up and put an arm around my shoulders. "Why don't we plan a double date with him and Ella? I promise to be on my best behavior." He made a cross over his heart. "I won't talk too much about myself or how much I hate literature or my liberal arts classes. I'll be the perfect boyfriend."

I playfully swatted his chest. "Just be prepared for the third degree from Alec, ok?"

Pierce kissed me lightly on the lips. "I think I can handle your friend. I'm a big boy, Reagan." He leaned in for another kiss. My lips parted for him, our kiss deepening as another firework boomed overhead.

My house was dark when I got home. Alec's bedroom light was on. Pierce was right, I needed to tell Alec. I'd pretty much blown off our Fourth of July tradition to sneak off with Pierce. I at least owed him a real explanation.

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