15 Double Date

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I arrived first at the restaurant. The hostess sat me with four menus. My leg bounced under the table. The smell of garlic bread and marinara filled the air. Pizza, the great equalizer. As long as Pierce didn't insist on anchovies or pineapple on his pizza, the double date should be a success.

There was still a large part of me that was disbelieving that Reagan was even going out with him. She'd been so adamant he was a jerk. Being nice about her parents' divorce was nice, but was it nice enough to erase how he had selfishly treated their first date?

From where I sat I had a perfect view of the front door. I watched it, every muscle in my body tensed. I ripped my straw wrapper to shreds.

Pierce arrived first. He caught sight of me and waved, saying hello as he came over. He wore pre-ripped jeans and a black V-neck t-shirt. He smiled and held out his hand as he got to the table. I rose and shook his hand, before sitting down again.

"Reagan sounded like she was having a good time when I texted her earlier," he said. He laid a white napkin in his lap. Where did he think we were? A Michelin star restaurant?

"Yeah, Ella said she got them the 'treatment,' whatever that means." I looked into my water glass like it held the secrets of the universe.

"Good, good." He turned in his seat to look at the door.

A pregnant pause settled between us. Ella and Reagan needed to get here soon to save me.

"So, I hear you're going into chemical engineering."

I looked up from my water and nodded. "Yeah. It's going to be a lot of work, but it's going to be worth it, I think." I felt like I was giving answers to a nosey relative. My foot bounced again.

"I get it. Pre-med." He pointed a thumb to himself. "Uh, any other hobbies?"

"Video games. TV."

Pierce blinked and frowned. He quickly returned his face to a neutral expression, but the clear disapproval had been there.

"I like to do mindless things after long hours of studying. I try to swim as much as possible too."

"My dad has a membership to the Crescent Court Country Club. They have an Olympic size pool there if you ever want to go swim laps, let me know. I can get you in."

The muscles in my jaw and neck tensed under the strain of my smile. Was he trying to be nice or flaunt his wealth? I couldn't tell.

My eyes shifted focus back to the door. To my never-ending relief, Reagan and Ella came in. They chatted happily as they crossed the restaurant to our table. Pierce and I stood to hug and kiss their cheeks.

When they sat, Pierce put his hand on Reagan's knee. I could feel my mouth trying to turn down, but I forced another smile.

"How was the spa?" I asked. I put an arm around Ella's shoulders.

"Divine," Reagan said. "I feel like a whole new Reagan."

"Mud wraps, massages, mani-pedis," Ella continued.

"Cucumber water for days!" Reagan laughed. "Thanks again for taking me."

"My treat."

The girls shared a smile. This warmed me. I loved seeing them get along. Pierce nudged Reagan gently and kissed her cheek. My good feelings dissipated immediately, replaced with simmering hate.

"I'm starving though," Ella said. "How does everyone feel about peppers and mushrooms?"

Reagan made a face. "Keep your salad off my pizza, girl! I crave meat!"

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