Teardrops of Poison

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There sat a girl with poison
In her teeth, her talons, and her heart
A poison so deadly it killed all it touched
Her teeth bared at all who would harm her
Her talons ready to slice and cut all who dared
Her heart so full of it that she hurt as it pumped through her veins

However this poison had been killing her as well
It burned her tongue so sharp that she winced
Her fingertips scarred from years of its stain
Her heart consumed by the pain of why she had needed it

At one point she had been full of blissful honey
Her tongue sweet with it's taste and smoothness
Her fingers so soft, made gentle by its warmth
Her heart full of kindness and love for all around her

Yet even then she didn't dare let anyone close
No matter the pain of it as it ran down her throat
No matter the scars left by the sharp claws on her skin
No matter hard it hurt with each beat of her heart

This ate at her devouring all she was
This consumed and made her whole being cruel
This destroyed all hope of a better future
This was hate, sorrow, and rage that was blinding

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