Teardrops of Terror

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There sat a girl with Terror
In her arms, her legs, and her will
A terror so great that she could do nothing
Her arms hung limp because of it as she was hit
Her legs unmoving as she was taken advantage of
Her will bowing before the power of her abusers

She struggled with it from years of wear and inflicted pain
Her limbs held bruises from all of the abuse
Her knees sore from trying to run from those who would harm her
Her will broken by the words they used against her

And she felt it every time they had touched her
Her hands had broken from trying to stop being violated
Her feet were tired of having to walk back to them
Her will to survive disrespected at every turn

Still it came as she was subjected to endless torture at their hands
Her arms slowly got weaker and weaker with each passing day
Her legs were always on the verge of collapse
Her will barred by the cruelty and rage of them

This ate at her devouring all she was
This consumed and made her whole being helpless
This destroyed all hope of a better future
This was pain, betrayal, and unending suffering

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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