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To me you were amazing
So big and strong
You could do anything
You would do everything for me
You would never hurt me

But one day I didn't feel like it
I decided not to listen
I decided I would have fun
You came in and yelled at me
I expected you to yell
But that wasn't all

You hit me
I thought maybe I deserved it
You certainly thought so
But as time went on
The hits got harder and more came
I tried to do better but it wasn't enough

One day I came home report card in hand failure across it
I thought "he's gonna kill me"
At the time it seemed hyperbolic
But when you hit me to the ground and then smacked me around
I truly was scared

It's been a while since last you layed a hand upon me
But everytime someone
Moves a little too fast
Speaks a little too loud
I flinch in fear and panic inside

That's what you taught me
You taught me to fear you
To fear a fight
You taught me

Time Lost and Words UnspokenWhere stories live. Discover now