Our Love

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Her soul burned
Her mind chilled
Her heart calmed
Her body enthralled

Burned with love only for me
Chilled me with it's deepest knowledge
Calmed me when mine felt rushed
Enthralled my mind with it's completeness

My soul ached
My mind races
My heart fears
My body breaks

Ached to be held in your strong arms
Races with thoughts of losing you
Fears the hate of our relationship
Breaks from the pain of my family's disdain

Our souls are
Our minds are
Our​ hearts are
Our bodies are

Are one and the same with each other
Are racing with thoughts of one another
Are beating in sync as we live our lives
Are entangled together as we sleep and dream

Our lives as
Our love is

As women together, make no difference than any other
Is the same no matter your thoughts

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