Teardrops of Fire

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There sat a girl with Fire
In her teeth, her talons, and her heart
A fire so bright that those who could see it burned
Her teeth no longer bared and ready to bite
Her talons had been pulled back no longer ready to cut
Her heart no longer full of the poison that had flowed through her veins

Though no longer dealing out pain with her old poison
Her teeth hid behind her lips ready just in case
Her talons still there ready to spring free
Her heart could fill to the brim with flame if harm came her way

She had become not a container of fire but the flame itself
Her tongue though scarred became molten silver
Her fingers though marred gave gentle touches
Her heart once full of pain held a fire of warmth and welcome

She had learned to use her fire for others
Her fangs ready to rip out the throats of those who harmed innocents
Her claws ready to rend those who were cruel for pleasure
Her heart full not only of fire but mother's love

She no longer consumed by poison became a guiding light
Her whole being a flame that held kindness and generosity
She held hope for her future and all to come
This fire was love, hope, and everlasting kindness

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