Chapter Twenty Four

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Evan didn't know exactly what had happened or how quickly it happened or really what even led to it happening, but early in the morning the following day he awoke at 5am to a frantic stream of text messages from Zoe.

His heart immediately clenched painfully in his chest and he tried his best to swallow the lump in his throat that was making it impossible to breathe, a million and one thoughts began running through his mind. Why was Zoe texting him at 5am in the morning? Was something wrong with Connor? Was Connor sick? Was Connor safe? How had she even gotten his number? Where was Connor?

ZOE MURPHY: Hey Evan, it's Zoe. Sorry to wake you but come to the hospital as quickly as you can, it's an emergency.

He leaped out of bed, not even bothering to change out of his leaf print pyjama bottoms but he did switch out his t shirt for an extra big sweatshirt that he had stolen from Connor.

He raced downstairs, writing a rushed note to Heidi explaining where he was going and that he'd try to be back soon and leaving it on the kitchen counter, Evan left the house as quickly and as quietly as he could with being in such a state, and got on the next bus to the hospital.

Evan didn't get the bus much, well he didn't really go anywhere to warrant a use of it, but it was rather peaceful at this hour. The radio was set to a low hum, the streets were clear and it was still partially dark outside, there were a few other people on there as well, all types of people.

He failed to find interest in his surroundings whatsoever. Evan had always been an early riser so he didn't feel tired in any sense, he was on edge. It was like he'd downed ten doses of caffeine at once. He couldn't sit still, he fiddled with the loose fabric of the bus seat, he squirmed in his chair, anxiously biting his nails all the while wondering what could have happened to his boyfriend for Zoe to text him at 5am asking him to come to the hospital because it was an emergency.

"Evan!" Zoe cried, running up to the front desk, he had tried explaining why he was there to the lady behind reception because it wasn't visiting hours but that hadn't worked out so he'd had to ask Zoe to come get him.

"Ma'am," the lady said in an exasperated tone, "This young man says he's here to see your brother, I'm afraid visiting hours are between two o'clock and five o'clock-"

"It's fine, he's family." She replied, waving her off. The lady clearly didn't seem to buy it but she let up anyway and allowed Evan to go through to the waiting room.

"W-What happened?" Evan asked immediately, they sat down in the uncomfortable hospital chairs together, "Is Connor o-okay? Where a-are Cynthia a-and Larry?"

Zoe took a deep shaky breath, she looked like she'd been crying and Evan tried to convince himself that she could have been crying for any reason, it didn't have to be related to Connor, "Connor's fine. At least, he will be. My parents are away on a business trip."


"He said he had a migraine." She whispered, turning to look at him, "On the drive over here, he kept saying that he had gotten a migraine and the doctors think he overdosed on painkillers."

Evan's breath hitched, he felt tears welling up in his eyes when he asked, "B-But... he's okay, right? H-He's not, he c-can't be-"

"He's alive, Evan."

And Evan didn't realise how badly he needed to hear those three words until he had heard them, he had never wanted to assume that Connor could be dead but it was always a possibility, a looming sense of dread that hung over their relationship.

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