Chapter Twentyone

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Connor asked for hundredth time that evening, he and Evan were standing outside the Murphy front door, Connor had gone to pick Evan up but he could feel the tension radiating off of his boyfriend as soon as he saw him. "Because it's not too late to back out."

"C-Connor," Evan smiled, shakily, "I w-want to do this. I want t-to meet your f-family."


"D-Do y-you... not want m-me to meet them?" He asked, hesitantly. It was a stupid question to ask, of course, obviously since Connor had been the one who invited him over but were they rushing? Hadn't all of there relationship been a huge rush?

The long haired boy's eyes hardened, "You know that's not what I meant, Hansen."

Evan looked at the ground and wrapped his arms tightly around himself, as tightly as one could with a cast on their forearm, "S-Sorry." He stuttered, quietly, "That w-was a s-stupid thing to a-ask, I just-"

"Hey," Connor said softly, grabbing Evan's hands to hold in his own, "I'm sorry, I just want you to be comfortable."

"I-I am. With you."

He grinned, "I swear I won't leave your side, Hansen."

Evan smiled to himself as Connor rang the doorbell, he said he left his keys on his bedside table, but a part of Evan wished that nobody would answer the door and he wouldn't have to deal with everyone asking him questions, what are you doing at school? Do you like school? How did you and Connor meet? What do your parents do for work? What happened to your dad? What happened to your arm?

It was all so overwhelming and nothing had even happened yet!

He was about to, and Evan would deny this for the rest of Connor and his relationship, he was about to turn around and run and decide that it wasn't worth it, but that was when Connor noticed how pale he had gone, taken his hand and kissed it right before Mrs Murphy opened the door.

And all of a sudden there was no turning back, there was no second chance and it was either face the entire Murphy family anxiety be damned or run away, like he always did.

What do you think he chose?

"You must be Evan." Mrs Murphy smiled tightly, she seemed a pleasant enough woman. She was a bit overdressed for meeting her son's boyfriend or perhaps Evan was underdressed.

They walked into the house, Evan squeezing the life out of Connor's hand but the taller boy didn't even seem to flinch, all the while he and Mrs Murphy were getting into a disagreement about how irresponsible it was to leave the keys to your own house at home.


"Just absolutely ridiculous! But of course I know why they're in your bedroom in the first place, Connor, I've seen the blood marks on them!"

Connor sighed, he looked exhausted to Evan and he wished more than anything that he could take away the tiredness behind his eyes, "Can we not do this now?"

"Apparently your boyfriend's seen your arms so I don't know what you're-"


"Mum!" A voice sounded from the doorway and Evan's vice grip on Connor released slightly when he saw another familiar face, "Drop it, this night is supposed to be about getting to know Evan." Zoe Murphy said, Connor's sister.

He had seen her around school, outside the music classroom, helping students out after class, making sure the students Connor had yelled at were okay.

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