Mom, You're Not Helping

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Axel got close to his class with Aki and Yoko on either side of him which made him shake his head once again before they asked...

Eitri: Tell me boy, how is that lust treating you.

Talia: I really am amazed that you're still sane.

Axel: What can I say, I'm good at holding myself to together.

Eitri: Are you now?

Talia: Cousin, let's not do this, at least not now.

Eitri: Hm... maybe you're right. Though it may be a challenge to entertain you again since your mother will be at home and Velma, her sister, along with the light and dark elves being there. They are going to want your company.

Axel: They are?

Talia: Of course.

Axel: Why me? I'm just a regular human.

Eitri: Heheh don't sell yourself short, boy, despite your being a human, you are the first to get involve with Sitri and not use her succubus demon powers on any woman you fancy.

Axel: Demon powers?

Talia: Precisely, Sitri doesn't use them though. Anytime she links herself with a human, they would use her gifts to bed any woman, conquer any place, or even try to use it to kill her - or even money. You on the other hand.

Talia: You are the first to not use any of her gifts. I'm sure you felt some strong magical power flow through you, yes?

Axel: Well Yea but that's her power. Isn't that kind of like taking her money when she's earned it herself.

Eitri: Heheh adorable, the way you worded that was so childlike.

Talia: You are very adorable.

Axel blushed at this, he had a Goblin Queen who was probably centuries older than him with body that won't quit (to his knowledge) and an Ogre Queen with a beautiful fit shape that doubled him in height, speaking down to him.

He scratched the back of his head as he walked into class, but at the moment, Kyoto was still looking for the class that Sayla told her.

She's never went to school and the few times she been there, Axel, Kana, and Rina would have to stand outside and guide her.

She thought about Satomi and Hana which made her furrow her brow, the two really didn't like Axel but it's seemed like it was mostly because of pride from what Sayla told her.

Axel one-uped Satomi in grades and anytime she tried to verbally attack him, he always had something to shut her up, meaning she wasn't used to a male putting her in her place.

From what Aki said, it sounded like Hana didn't like to be the damsel in distress and since Axel is human, it pisses her off even more but that was no excuse for putting her hands on him.

Kyoto: 'Axel, please be ok.'

She then bumped into two people, looking up and saying...

Kyoto: Excuse me.

Draig: Uh, who are you?

Zana: Yes, you're not a teacher and you obviously don't go here. So why are you here?

Kyoto: O-Oh! I-I'm sorry, I-I was just looking for a boy named Axel.

Draig: Fukuhara?

Zana: You're looking for the human?

Kyoto glared a little and said...

Kyoto: He likes to be called by his name, thank you.

Suddenly, Kyoto's eyes went wide when she paid attention to the bull-boy and jaguar-woman, they were the same people who took part in her son getting lightning through his shoulder - they were the main two.

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