Weekend Changes Part 2

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He suddenly heard a light knock on the bathroom door, he walked towards it before hesitantly opening it to reveal Rina still blushing hard and looking at him surprised...

Axel: ...

Rina: ...

It was now awkward, Axel was in his mind thinking that he still did wrong until Rina said...

Rina: I-I'm sorry.

Axel: ?

Rina: I-It's not your fault... I just... wasn't expecting all of it.

Axel: No, it's my fault. We're brother and sister, I probably shouldn't have done that anyway, I guess I was just-

Rina: N-No!

Axel: ?

Rina: (Blush) I-It's not t-that I didn't like it... I-I just wasn't expecting you to feel... so... hungry.

Axel: Hungry?

Rina: T-The kiss, it was so... wanting. As if... you need an outlet.

Sitri: Well, she seems smarter than I originally thought.

Axel: Why are you in my head!?

Sitri: I'm guiding you.

Axel: That's not your job.

Sitri: Oh come now, don't fuss over something so little, because I will be doing this for now on, now pay attention she's talking again.

Axel: Ugh!

Rina: If I had known, I would've prepared myself for a kiss like that, but, if you want, we could keep doing it.

Axel saw how wanted Rina wanted to be to him but he knew he couldn't really cross that line... could he? NO! Of course not!

That would mean he'd have to give the same treatment to Kana and his mother... if Sitri was right about what she said about his mom...

Sitri: Oh I was right, trust me when I say that that beautiful, lovely Cat-women has a deeeeep lust for you, she's just in the same boat as you, not wanting to lose her beloved step-son because of her womanly urges.

Axel: If you're going to be in my head, can you at least keep it down.

Sitri: (Giggle)

Rina didn't get an answer, she saw the facial expression her brother was making and couldn't help but feel indifferent about it, did he really not enjoy the kiss, even thought it was her first ever kissing someone?

Was she bad at it? Did he regret giving her a chance? She wanted to say something but nothing came out, maybe Axel just wanted to do stuff with Aiko and not here... maybe it was too late, they were together for a week.

All of those chances that she could've had were wasted and maybe she blew this one, the tears started to well up in her eyes as she fidgeted, her hair covered her eyes while her lips quivered.

Seeing as how his sister's started shaking, Axel went back to paying attention to his sister again, but he flinched a little when he saw that she was starting to cry...

Rina: I-I'm sorry, I just... really... really like you... A-Axel a-and... I know you're my big brother... and I know you won't love me more than what we are now... but if you find someone else... really normal... or Aiko I just... hope you have a good life and be happy... i-if I-

Sitri: Ok, I can't take this any longer, Axel, just kiss her.

Axel: What!?

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