The Talk

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Three weeks have passed since the time that Axel saved Rina and much has happened, since Ms. Aska couldn't put Rai and Shoko in jail right now for attempted murder of Rina and aggravated assault towards Axel she decided to get with the mayor in the next town over and he gladly accepted the two now known delinquents.

Once Lin heard what happened to Axel, she, Soji, Kana, Chio, and Kyoto headed to the hospital everyday where Rina was there with tears trailing her face, leaning over her brothers unconscious body and Aiko laying on the other side of it, hoping that her friend would be alright they haven't left his side one time.

Then the doctor came in, he never did figure out the severity of Axel's condition until now...

Kyoto: How is he doctor?

Kana: Will he be ok? Will my brother be ok?

Doctor: Aside from the fact that the bone and muscle tissue in his right pectoral and the back of his shoulder has been severely torn and cracked a little, he will be fine. He just needs time to rest.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and Soji couldn't help but slide down the wall, sitting on the floor.

Doctor: To be honest with you, it's a miracle that he survived a hit from an 18-wheeler

Rina cried even more since she was the reason that he got hurt in the first place so the doctor took this time to leave so that Kyoto could calm her daughter down. Kyoto walked towards Rina and put a hand on her shoulder...

Rina: It's all my fault.

Kyoto: None of this was your doing.

Kana: Yea this was those jerks Shoko and Rai fault.

Rina: He didn't have to save me!

Soji: ...

Chio: What do you mean, Rina?

Rina: Axel... found out.

Suddenly her animal feature made themselves known as she continued...

Kyoto: !

Rina: Rai and Shoko exposed me to the holy stone.

Kana: !

Chio: W-What!? How did they even get that!?

Soji: No way.

Lin: How come you never told him.

Kyoto didn't want to answer Lin's question because she was too focused on how Axel would've felt about what he learned.

So after standing there in silence they all left for home so that Axel can get his proper rest without anyone looming over him.

This lead to everyone except Soji and Aiko to leave while the two stayed Kyoto asked them to leave as well but Soji insisted that he wanted to stay there with his best friend a little while longer which she understood, she gently grabbed Rina Who reluctantly stood up and left with her eyes still on her bedded brother. Once they were far away from hearing distance, Soji smiled and said...

Soji: You can wake up now.

Axel then opened his eyes, much to Aiko's surprise as she gave him the most loving hug she could...

Axel: Ow! Aiko that hurts!

Ignoring him she wrote on her note pad saying...

Aiko: "I thought you were dead!"

Axel: It'll take more than two idiots and a truck driver to get rid of me.

Soji: So what do you think about what you heard?

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