Chapter 2

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In the flower, Akina took a moment to collect herself. She placed a hand over her heart as she felt it slowly stop racing. From outside the flower, there were loud explosions and the petals shook- indicating that it was currently being attacked. Though no matter how strong the attack, unless it was from a demon, her spell would not be broken through easily.

Using her enhanced hearing, Akina listened to what was going on outside the rose. Aside from the sounds of fighting echoing around her, there were some closer voices— ones that she could only guess that they came from the people who had just attacked her.

"Come on out here, you damn villain!" Someone shouted, their words followed by a few explosions.

"Calm down Bakugo. You're going to cut yourself on some of those thorns if you get too close." Another voice said, this one was a lot calmer.

"I'll calm down once this cowardly villain shows herself, shitty hair!" The first voice, Bakugo, responded.

That irked Akina, and she burst out of the rose landing not too far from Bakugo, "Who're you calling cowardly, you Bomb Wannabe?!"

"Looks like you made her angry." The heterchomatic boy said.

Bakugo scoffed before he lunged at Akina, using some explosions to propel him faster, though Akina saw his attack coming a mile away and dodged it with ease. There was a loud crash from not too far from where Akina was and she looked over to see man who's buffness could possibly rival Elfman's throwing a bird-like creature into the air and through the roof.

"That was like the finishing move in a video game. He punched the shock absorption right out of him!" The redhead stated, looking at the hole in the roof with awe. "I've never seen that kind of brute strength."

"Imagine having power like that..." Bakugo said.

Akina tilted her head, having power like that is normal though. I've seen a lot of my guilmates do that when we're having a celebration. Poor Elfman gets thrown around a lot.

"I really have gotten weaker." A voice said, and Akina looked over to where there was smoke rising up from the ground, the buff man from before standing in the middle of it. "Back in my hayday, five hits would of been enough to knock that guy out. But today, it took more than three hundred mighty blows!"

Akina watched as the man turned to face two other men. A guy with hands all over him and someone that looked a lot like the portal that transported her here.

"You've been bested, villains." He said simply. "Surrender now. We all want to get this over with quickly."

The hand man scoffed and started to scratch his neck. "Oh come on. What's going on here. He's just as strong as he's always been. Damn it, and that girl over there is no help at all. Don't tell me I was lied to."

"What's wrong? Not attacking me? Didn't you say you were going to clear this level earlier? Well come and get me, if  you dare." The buff man challenged.

"Man, this is intense." Bakugo muttered.

"As I expected, there's no reason for us to fight now, he'll handle this." The heterchomatic boy said.

"This is tense? Wow, you guys are wimps." Akina said.

"What'd you call me?!" Bakugo shouted.

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