Chapter Seventy Five ~ My Favorite Filler Arc Part 2

Start from the beginning

"So there are people who can fix ships better the Usopp?"Chopper asked "Yup sometimes when you need a job done right you gotta go see a professional"Usopp said "That's it! We gotta get a shipwright for our crew!"Luffy suddenly announced "Our journey's far from over right? We really need someone with those skills and the Merry isn't just our ship she's our home too so let's go find us a shipwright who can keep the Merry safe"he said.

"Well i'm impressed"Sanji said "Whoa he got to the point that's pretty rare"Zoro said "And here i thought he'd suggest we get a musician like he always does"Nicole said "That sounds really good to me Luffy let's go do it"Usopp said "Uh that's what i just said"Luffy said "I just hope we get somebody good"Usopp said "We should get a musician too"Luffy said.

"And there it is"Nicole said "The shipwrights a great idea but haven't you all forgotten something"Nami said "What's that?"The others asked "We have to get our gold back first"Nami said "Oh yeah right"Luffy said "Well do we have any idea where they might have taken it?"Zoro said "Don't ask me, it's so noisy with all the marines around and it could be locked behind a vault or something"Nicole said.

"The problem is we have no clue where that vault may be"Sanji said "I'd say here"Robin said pointing over at something on the map, it's just a guess of course but if i were to hide gold inside Navarone this multi lock storage vault seems like it would be the ideal place"Robin said "You're right that does seem like the most obvious place"Nami said 'Which means the commander will probably move the gold at some point, probably to his office to reel us in' Nicole thought calmly sipping tea.

"Alright guys let's bust into that vault and get our gold back"Nami said "But what do we do about the Merry we can't just leave her here she's sure to get spotted eventually"Usopp said "Hide a tree in a forest and hide a big ship among big ships"Luffy said "You're just full of wisdom aren't you?"Nicole muttered as the others sweatdropped.

"I don't know if it'll help or not but we are in a dock where ships used to be constructed and repaired when we sailed in just now i couldn't help but notice an abundance of abandoned materials on the ground"Robin said "You don't say well that gives me a great idea"Usopp said and whispered his plan "Well?"he asked "Yeah!"the others cheered.


"Well what do you think guys? Not bad if i do say so myself, at least we don't have to worry about the Merry getting stolen again right?"Usopp asked once he had finished a disguise for the Merry, the ship now had a sort of shell around it painted to look like a marine ship "Gluing paper around the ship to disguise it what a great idea"Zoro said with obvious sarcasm.

"I don't know it could work"Nicole shrugged "I don't know guys it looks like a three year old did it you think that's gonna fool anyone for very long?"Sanji asked "Yeah of course it will it looks just like one of the marines warships no doubt about it"Luffy said "It sure does"Chopper said "You're nuts"Zoro said.

"Great now all we have to do is get our treasure back operation gold recovery commences at midnight got it?"Nami asked "Got it!"the crew replied "Uhm why don't we go right now?" Chopper asked "Well cause super secret missions are always better at midnight"Luffy said.


"Alright guys enough waiting let's go get our gold back"Nami said "Yeah"the crew said and started to move out "Hey wait a minute"Usopp said "What's wrong Usopp?"Luffy asked looking back to the sniper "We can't just rush off like this shouldn't we come up with some sort of plan first?"Usopp asked "Well what kind of plan are you suggesting?"Nicole asked.

"Well don't you think those marines will notice eight people sneaking around their fortress?" Usopp asked "You got a point there"Zoro said "I'm still worried about the Merry too even though we did disguise her pretty well"Usopp said "It won't fool them for long though"Sanji said "Wait you don't think so? Why not?"Chopper asked "Yeah don't worry it looks real"Luffy said.

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