Old Embers Reawakened

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(Excuse any grammar mistakes, thanks)


(Y/n):None sense, I had multiple patients like you in my time of work. Spoiler they all got better and stopped feeling so void of everything.

(Ok so I would make this how a real therapist would do with a real patient but I feel it'd be too boring)

Cinder:*Scoff* I'm not your typical patient doctor, so leave.

(Y/n):Oh what's the worst you've done? Kill someone maybe have a heartbreak here and there. Maybe lose a loved one or someone you respected a lot.

She visibly tensed at the last one.

(Y/n):You know it's interesting what they teach you. Did you know that most of what we say verbally is only a partial view into how we feel? It's mainly done through body language. And your body is quite fluent in it judging by that tensing up at my last presumption.

Doing nothing she only kept looking down.

(Y/n):You've got a missing arm there, play with fire? Maybe some sharp knifes or explosion, your choosing.

Cinder:Leave. Me. Alone.

(Y/n):Or what? You gonna hit me? A person as feeble and weak as you couldn't even do a lick of damage to me.

Cinder:Leave me alone!

Her head had shot up and was now in a position to stand up or lunge at him.

(Y/n):How easy emotions are easy to control, especially with some as weak as you who believes they're all that.

Cinder:Last warning buddy, leave me alone.

(Y/n):You're really pretty you know that?

The sudden complement put her in a daze and confusement.


He got up and stretched then walked away, Cinder unknowingly following him asking him questions.

Cinder:Hey! I'm talking to you, stop ignoring me!

He turned around.

(Y/n):Doesn't feel so good does it.

Cinder:I gue-

(Y/n):Cinder Fall.

Automatically she stepped back a bit and held her good hand up.

Cinder:How do you know my name?!

They were getting a good crowd around them, faculty and homeless alike.

(Y/n):I'm a magician~

He clapped his hands making them both appear outside Salem's castle, the area was now lush green plains with the castle being the thing that looks out of place.


(Y/n):Cinder, I've come to help you.

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