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James:What even was that Ozpin?!

He said very confused at the fight he had seen on the scroll Ozpin had gotten.

Ozpin:You remember the person I talked about correct?

James:What about him?!

Ozpin:First stop yelling and Secondly these are apparently his "children" or more so his creations.

James:Dammit.... So what do we do now?

Ozpin:Nothing for the time being.

He looked at James blankly while James had a bewildered face.

James:Nothing?! That's all?! What about those do-

Ozpin slammed his hand down making James and Glynda jump back a bit.

Ozpin:We are about to start the tournament! It's suppose to be a time of peace where all the 4 kingdoms come together to have fun! *sighs* we wouldn't want to alert the people.

Ozpin said calming down and adjusting his glasses.

Ozpin:We are to do nothing for the time being.

James looked down angered but had to agree with Ozpin he was most of the time correct.

James:Right...I'll leave now.

Ozpin said nothing and watched as James left.

Ozpin:Now Glynda I heard (Y/n) say something about an exchange as well as seeing him give you a bag with contents in it. What did he say and what was in the bag?

A drop of sweat went down her forehead as she spoke.

Glynda:Well when that Jacob fellow came up to me after classes were done he changed to (Y/n) and said that he would help us if I met him on top of Beacon at night. As for the bag it had what he calls Marijuana it's apparently a natural drug from his world.

Ozpin:I see.

He said as he leaned back and began to think. Glynda surprised he didn't press any more but wasn't complaining, she was still embarrassed about how she almost stripped.

(Scene Change-Cafeteria)

Ruby:What do you guys even think they're capable of?!

They were all sitting in the cafeteria eating their food as they talked about the event that unfolded yesterday.

Pyrrha:I don't know Ruby but the four seem very strong.

Jaune:Y-yeah they killed a Manticore so easily.

He shuttered at the thought but got a slap on the back.

Nora:Come on Jaune! They won't do anything to us, THEY CAN'T HAHA!

Blake:True. (Y/n) did say to them to help us defeat the Grimm so they're friendly...I'm not sure about the Clown guy tho.

Weiss:Agreed! He seems far too unstable to even be out and about. If you ask me I think he should-

As she began to trash talk him he "felt" the heat and appeared behind Weiss startling everyone Weiss not noticing due to her eyes being closed, they said nothing. He went straight to her ear and screamed.


She said holding her ear and looking back ready to tell them off but stopped when she saw it was Him.


Clown:Hahahaaahhaa!! Hello darling!

She only looked at him waiting.

Gamer-ish x RWBY (Male reader x rwby)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora