Delta-E, Mission Accomplished-ish

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(I apologize for any spelling/grammar mistakes)


Today was the day that James' spec ops, RWBY, JNR and Qrow would go on a mission to secure an abandoned SDC mining facility to harvest dust for their grand operation of putting a CCTV tower atop the Vytal Tournament's stadium.

Ruby:Gosh it's cold here!

Weiss:Without the proper steps you could die within hours of this tundra.

She said while waking further in but grimacing when she moved some snow to reveal the SDC logo.


She looked at her girlfriend who was starting at her.

Yang:Oh-Um- Just.. haven't gotten use to the new hair cut...

Blake put some hair behind her left human ear while looking down flushed.

Blake:Does it look bad?

She recoiled.

Yang:N-No! It's good, great even!

It was pretty awkward between the two cute love birds. After some more talking they split up into groups to cover more ground and possibly rid the facility of any Grimm that might've made the place their home and many did which in turn the small squads dispatched of them quickly and cool-y but of course the two man team Qrow and Clover came across a Grimm that had escaped RWBY's team and it decided to posses an ice bolder and pull anything else of the same caliber to make limbs for its main body but in doing so let some heavy metal fall and destroy the ground it was on making it fall somewhere.

Clover:This is Clover, the Grimm escaped heading east, over.

The two traded words and continued on their original route. With JNR and RWBY they had both made it to the heart of the mine and saw all the glamorous dust just waiting to be collected but of course something had to go wrong. Looking up the main target came out of being camouflaged with its surroundings and jumped down making A Lot of noise.

Ruby:It mixed itself with dust?!

(Time skip with the author doing research on 'Things' to make this chapter at least 1000 words cuz it's barley at 350 words T-T)

After the tough battle with the Grimm and catching all the dust that fell from its collapsing body he called in.

Clover:This is Clover, it's all cle-

An explosion goes off.

Clover:Not clear! Not clear!

He said as he went closer to the group and so did Qrow, looking at the smoke they made out two figures stepping through.

???:Man why do we have to do this?

???:I don't fuckin' know...

Stepping fully through the smoke they saw two guys in their 30s, their noticeable features being one with a beard and the other with tattoos all over and they saw a group of kids and some adults.

Gamer-ish x RWBY (Male reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now