Part 9

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A few days later.

Beacon's first years were onboard a bullhead heading towards the Forever Falls Forest to collect sap for Professor Peach who needed it for experiments and studying. The bullhead began to set down as the student came out and looked at the beautiful blood red forest that lay upon them.

Goodwitch:Yes students the Forever Falls Forest is quite beautiful but do not be swayed by its look for these too are Grimm infested. Now you are tasked to collect one jar of sap from the trees and make sure Not to eat any!

She said looking at Nora as she gave a grin and saluted.

Goodwitch:As said you each will collect one jar worth of sap, meet back here in 3 hours.

She said a bit distracted at the end due to her seeing a black silhouette of a person go behind a tree. The student payed no mind and began to do their task with Jaune unfortunately being dragged away from his team by Cardin due to their "friendship". His team payed no mind but Pyrrha slightly scowled at her team leader and as well as Cardin making Jaune looked down sad and just go with Cardin.

(Scene Change-Cardin)

Cardin:Jaune-y boy here got us a nice box full of rapier wasps and according to the report you wrote me these things love sweets.

Cardin shoved a jar of sap into Jaune's arms and instructed him to throw it a Pyrrha to which he almost did but ended up throwing it at Cardin instead earning a dark chuckle and him dragging Jaune away with his team deeper into the forest.

(Y/n):It's even funnier in person *snickers*

Cardin has Jaune up by his collar and was talking until he went for a knockout punch but due to a bright glow when it connected it made him drop Jaune. Once the glow dissipated what was left was a fully recovered Jaune. They traded more words and Cardin went for another hit but stopped due to a Roar coming from his right side, looking over they saw an Ursa sniffing the air in Cardin's direction and soon pounced due to the sap on his chestplate making his team back up like cowards.

Dove:That's a big Ursa!

And with that they ran towards all the other student and bumped into RWBY making Yang pick one up by the collar and explain what's happening.

Sky:An Ursa! It's got Cardin!

He said making Yang throw him to the side while Ruby instructed that Yang and Blake go get Goodwitch while they go and see if Jaune is safe, they split ways but Pyrrha overheard them due to them shouting and joined Weiss and Ruby. Back to Cardin he was having a lot of difficulty fending for himself agains the Ursa with a final attack the Ursa launched his mace behind him and left him without a weapon. Falling down and crawling backwards the Ursa was ready to pounce but instead got slashed by Jaune and turned its attention now ready to kill Jaune, gulping his fear away he taunted the bear while being ready to fight. [Insert Fight Scene in Words] Pyrrha put her hand out making Jaune's shield go up blocking the strike and letting him decapitate the bear. He panted when it was over but soon got up to Cardin and told him off then left. Up in a tree invisible (Y/n) chuckled and let his legs hang from the tree branch.

(Y/n):'I knew this would happen but it was still very fun watching it in person.'

Getting up and jumping down with a quiet thud he began walking deeper into the forest to think and enjoy a fine and fat Cuban cigar with smooth jazz playing through the headphones he was wearing as well as shifting the temperature around him to a more New York style.

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