Joking Schnee (-|-)

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Sitting alone in her room within her mansion was Weiss Schnee, she simply looked out of the window pondering in silence about her friends and the like but was brought out due to some bullheads flying over head and soon a knock at her door. She replied 'Yes?' letting one of the most trusted butlers in her home Klein Sieben come in. She looked over after he had stopped with a louder click of his shoes and sat ready to listen.

Klein:I apologize for the interruption Ms. Schnee but your father wishes to speak with you.

She closed her eyes and sighed then looked out of the window once more.

Weiss:Thank you, Klein.

With that he began to leave, halfway to the exit Weiss herself stood up and began her long walk to her fathers study. Walking head down and hands put together on top of her belly she walked slowly and seemingly out of touch with her surroundings but in doing so got startled by the greeting of her brother, Whitley Schnee thus proving she was out of touch with her surroundings.

Whitley:Good afternoon, sister.

Like said she looked up from the ground startled and made eye contact with her brother.

Whitley:It's good to see you out of your room for a change.

He said with a humors tone. Weiss simply walked around him while responding with a not impressed/not caring tone.

Weiss:Hello Whitley.

She said finally turning back.

Weiss:You're in a cheery mood.

She said but it was sorta like a question too but her "question" got answered and it was a rather...innocent reason.

Whitley:Klein made crêpes for breakfast.

He said happily but Weiss being her looked past that and gave him a look of "Ok boomer" and asked after rolling her eyes and placing a hand on her hip and looking at the ground not amused.

Weiss:What do you want?

He smiled as if all this lead up to this one moment (Which it did) and leaned forward, hands behind him.

Whitley:I heard Father shouting with someone earlier in his study.


He straightened himself up and responded.

Whitley:No, she's already out in the garden drinking. I think it was a man.

She looked up a bit surprised but went back to a serious face.

Whitley:I just wanted to warn you. I heard he wanted to speak with you.

She had a frown and soft eyes then looked at the ground.

Weiss:I'll be fine...

They spoke for a tad bit longer and soon Whitley left wishing his sister luck. Sighing she turned around and looked at the door that lead to he fathers study and leaned against the door to maybe hear what they were saying but ultimately sucked it up and went inside slowly while looking at who the second person was and saw it was none other than James Ironwood. While wondering what he was doing here she let the thought of the door closing alone which costed her them noticing she was there due to the very audible clicking of the door handle when closed, startled she looked back at the door but then quickly at the adults and straightened up with her hands behind her back and smiled awkwardly at them.

James:Ms. Schnee. My apologies, I should have been gone by now.

He said bowing deeply with a hand behind his back and other on his chest. 

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