Together Once Again (-|-)

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(Sorry for any grammar issues)



They both looked at this weird faceless thing in confusion "Gamble" what's that suppose to mean?

Qrow:What're you on about buddy...

Merchant:Oh nothing much. I'm just hungry and thirsty...

As he said this he looked over at the cute waitress with a huge toothy grin that seemed to come out of nowhere and reached his arm out as it somehow extended to reach her and wrap around her then pull her to him.

Merchant:It's been quite a while since I've eaten a human before. More so with a women that looks so tasty~

He said grabbing the drink that had gone mid air and placing it on the table after taking a sip with a mouth that seemed to come out of nowhere again.

Cute waitress:P-please don't hurt me...

She said while struggling a little bit against his grasp.

Merchant:Ah! I know!

He said holding his hand out then soon closing it into a fist while saying-

Merchant:Inter-dimensional lock!

A sphere shot out of his hand and expanded outwards going through everything. He let go of the waitress and she went to flee but found herself bumping into an invisible wall.

Merchant:Now now darling, I don't like my food too sweaty so take a seat will ya!

He said as she seemed to be thrown to the floor by an invisible force and kept there while she made grunting noises. He turned back to them.

Merchant:Now. I enjoy meals like humans but I loooove souls. It is my absolute favorite! So we're going to play a game and you 2 will be betting your souls.

The siblings looked at each other confused and back to to him.

Raven:We aren't doing ANYTHING you say freak! Now let us go!

He nodded in the No while clicking his tongue.

Merchant:That's not how you're suppose to play, here let me help.

An eye appeared on the center of his face and pulsated green, Qrow and Raven felt as if something was getting ripped out of them and soon a red aura came out of Raven and the same for Qrow. 

Merchant:Your souls looked very tasty! I might take a small bite heh-

He was stopped by the air seemingly cracking then shattering and both of their souls rushing to their bodies and being absorbed, he had a panicked face and looked around frantically but froze when he got put in headlock by (Y/n).

(Y/n):I told you to intimidate them Hush not kill them.

Hush as he was addressed put both of his hands on the arm that was around his neck and spoke.

Hush:M-Master please! I was simply joking with them! I would never go against your ord-

(Y/n) snapped his neck and his entire body exploded into a black dust that got absorbed into (Y/n) which made him sigh in delight. He looked at the two and then the the waitress as she was simply on her ass looking at (Y/n) in fear.

(Y/n):That was...uncalled for. I apologize on my ex-assistants behave. Anyway I broke the lock he had so you can make portals now Raven and as for you Qrow.... a storm is coming Qrow and I am the eye.... oh wait this world has never had hurricanes before. hmm... Welp! Just know that a storm is brewing you too Raven.

Gamer-ish x RWBY (Male reader x rwby)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat