Sadness Within and Around (-|-)

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(This is practically "Joking Schnee 2" but it wont be called that. Just know that they're suppose to be together but I don't want a 2100+ word part when it's just suppose to be a normal part last thing the (-|-) is there to signify that the previous chapter and this one are suppose to be connected/together. I'll do this again later if needed)



We see Ruby tossing and turning as she appears to be having a nightmare about foe and friend alike but soon waking up with a gasp and sitting up rather quickly looking at her surroundings to see everyone still sleeping but then holding her head in assumed pain. After the pain subsided she looked down depressed at her dream but shrugged it off and got up and woke up all her friends with Nora surprisingly being the hardest. Once they were all up and fed they began their journey to the next town over, Shion where Jaune supposedly went to a multitude of times with family to do stuff like hiking and staying overnight in the forest. After a small insignificant disagreement about the similarities of a "Ponytail" and "Warriors Wolf Tail" the two stopped looking at the map Ruby had in her hands due to both Ren and Nora calling out to them, as they lifted their heads to look at them they instead got their attention ripped to the town Shion that was currently in ruins due to an unknown reason, presumably Grimm. Running in and DROPPING THE MAP they find a wounded huntsmen who's holding his side.

Ren:What happen here, who killed all there people?!

The huntsmen coughed then spoke.

Huntsmen:Bandits a whole tribe...and with all the panic it-

He cut himself off by coughing a lot but Ren finishing his explanation.


Ren closing his eyes then getting up leaving somewhere, maybe to try and find more survivors. As this happen Nora, Jaune and Ruby began to discuss how to save him but by that point Ren had already called back to them, looking back they see him looking at the huntsmen to see him limp and facing the ground.

Nora:Should we bury him...?

Ren walked past all of them.

Ren:We need to leave, it's not safe here.

Nora looked as her future lov- *cough* as her friend left. Worried she followed after as Jaune and Ruby stayed and talked a bit while being sad and frustrated. While leaving the town he came across something that made him grimace and so did Nora when she looked at what he was looking at, it appeared to be a hoof of some kind but way bigger than that of any normal horse. Maybe a Grimm? The both looked at each other with serious faces but with glints of fear and grief and nodded while they called out the Ruby and Jaune to leave already and they did so without complain thankfully.

(Note: I have to come up with at least 200 words worth of story before I get to the next sequence of Volume 4 Chapter 2 when it comes to the Ruby part. Wish me luck! p.s I won't need it)

Walking away from the now gray town they picked up the map (Thank Oum) and walked around the town to where the rest of the path continued and began to walk on said path. The walk for the most part was silent and only small things were said, after quite a while one of them broke the silence with B O W E L movements. Everyone looking at the one responsible, Ruby simply smiled sheepishly while she rubbed the back of her head.

Ren:Alright. Let's eat.

Ruby's face lit up like a firework as she went to Jaune's bag and took it off of him and began to rummage through to get some food but was stopped by Ren and a smile.

Ren:Ruby we need to set up camp first, we'll need time to actually cook the food.

She got her hands out of the bag and walked away whistling a broken tune and giving off the "I already knew that Ren." kinda vibe. Chuckling Ren closed the bag and gave it to Jaune as they walked a bit off the path for safety reasons, settling on a spot they began to unpack all their sleeping bags and made a small bonfire in the center of it all. They got a pot out and made a contraption to hold it over the fire (Before you question "How did they fit that into a backpack and still have enough room for cookware?" the answer is IDK if they can fit 4 WHOLE ASS sleeping bags then practically everything's fair game). Once they all finished eating a 5 star soup Ren made they began to get settled into their sleeping bags and within 10 minutes they finally began to drift off cuz who can fall asleep that fast in the middle of nowhere.

(Note:I in fact put at least 200 words between the two sequences.) 

Once again on her sleeping bag Ruby was Not tossing and turning but the sound of an all too familiar voice seem to have been enough to wake her from her slumber, eyes slowly opening but closing again she was on the verge of falling asleep again but said voice spoke again making her sit up fast. Who does the voice belong to? None other than Pyrrha Nikos. Ruby already being alert due to the voice looked around trying to find the source but instead found Jaune missing, a tad bit worried she stood up from her sleeping bag and began to follow the voice and in doing so found herself behind a tree looking at Jaune train his swordsmanship by following a recording of Pyrrha he had taken before Beacon fell. 

Recording Pyrrha:Alright Jaune just like we practiced. Follow these instructions... Shield up.

Jaune did so with determination.

Recording Pyrrha:Keep your grip tight.

He tightened the grip on his sword while holding it up a bit more aggressively.

Recording Pyrrha:Don't forget to keep your front foot forward.

Jaune simply looking ahead knowing his stance was correct preparing himself.

Recording Pyrrha:Ready?... Go! 

With the signal given he stupidly trusted forward with his sword leaving his entire torso vulnerable to attacks that he could have protected if he just kept his shield up (Ok I won't clown on this "practice" even though I want to real bad).  He waited a bit then Pyrrha said 'again' making Jaune do a strong vertical swing. Once again Pyrrha said to repeat making Jaune do a 180 and swing down hard leaving him a panting mess due to him already doing this drill multiple times.

Recording Pyrrha:Okay. Now assuming you aren't cheating... We can take a break.

Jaune's panting calmed down a bit as he listened to Pyrrha and her motivational talk as well as her almost confessing to him but Jaune's too dense for that. Once the final words were said the whole video rewound itself to the very first drill. Jaune listened to her words as he looked to the ground but soon the sky and let out fast but pained and sad sigh as he got back into position with a serious expression and did it all over again. Ruby saw as all of this happened and only looked with sadness filled eyes and left back to her sleeping bag to do some sleeping.


"Through smile and laugh and even scowl and shout it can all be used to hide the one thing that hurts us humans more than anything. Grief, loneliness, sadness and much more. How one chooses to deal with it is up to them but maybe just maybe knowing that you are not by yourself in the matter will help ease the pain." - Unknown 

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