Chapter One: My Pre-Algrebra Teacher is a Vampire?

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What is this, like my fourth time redoing this story, whatever you wanted it, you got it.

Currently, I was sitting on a hard itchy seat that dug into my skin, hard. My ADHD was acting up after only five minutes or so of trying to sit still, what mad this bus ride even more annoying was the lack of air conditioning. Come on! It's 2005! Can't we finally upgrade this bus so we don't feel like dying after six minutes? My ADHD is acting up again, anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah, the bus ride. I was on my way to some dumb museum downtown for my Latin class. Still better than being in class.

I looked to my left to look at my sister who was fairing much better than I was. She had two friends in the back of her, two in the front, and one to her right. Who did I have? No one, really. My roommate, Grover, sat next to me. I would've talked to him, but he's kind of asleep. And trust me, even if I lit him on fire he wouldn't wake up. I looked out the window with a sigh. Man, New York looks really dim today. I slowly closed my eyes and let sleep take me over.

"We can't let him live!" I heard a man with blue eyes and long black hair with an equally long black beard say. "Yet your children can?! Our children have to suffer because of your ignorance and paranoia, while your children grow and prosper?!" The other man with green eyes and long black hair with an even longer black beard said. This guy was different though, he had, like, seashells and barnacles in his beard and, is that a starfish? "Your children are threats! We must execute them before they grow too powerful!" The blue-eyed guy said. "The prophecy will come true either way! Whether your child or mine!" The green-eyed guy said. "We're gods! We can alter Fate itself!" The blue-eyed guy said. "No! Never before have we ever conquered Fate! And we will never!" The green-eyed guy said. They stared at each other for a while, then I woke up.

"My face!" I said, clutching my face in pain. My face! It hit the dumb seat in front of me when the bus stopped. What the hell? Were they about to hit someone? I couldn't tell, I was in a window seat, you know, don't have much room to look around!

"Now that we're here, class, I need to point out a few rules. One: Do not touch any statues, art, or pottery. If you do, you will be asked to leave. Two: Do not leave your group. If we leave without you we can't come back and you will have to walk back to Yancy. Understood?" Me. Brunner asked. We all gave an inaudible"yes, sir" as a response.

"-So can any of you tell me what this statue represents?" Mr. Brummer asks.

The statue was of Kronos, I think, and it showed him eating a baby. Well, not eating, more like swallowing.

"Isn't that Kronos eating his kid?" Nancy, a red-headed girl I barely talk to, said.

"Correct, now can anyone tell me why?" Me. Brenner said before starting at all of us individually before his eyes landed on me. "Jackson! Care to explain?" Me. Brenner asked.

Damn! I fell asleep in class when he was teaching this! I knew I shouldn't have stayed up watching t.v! Man, I'm so dumb! All I know is that he swallowed his kids because he was paranoid. That's it!

"Uh-he-uh- he, like, swallowed his kids because he was. . . paranoid?" I said. Me. Brenner looked at me, telling me to continue with his eyes.

"And then, like, Zeus didn't get swallowed and then, like, tricked him into vomiting them up?" I squeaked out.

"Correct, Mr.Jackson, " Mr. Brummer said.

I was outside sitting on a fountain looking into Grover's lunch box. There was a can of Coke, a peanut butter sandwich, and enchiladas.

"Do you eat anything besides enchiladas and peanut butter sandwiches?" I asked Grover. He looked at me and then to his lunch box.

"You don't see this chocolate bar?" Grover said before taking out a chocolate bar.

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