Chapter 15: Again! My Time Has Come!

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This is part two of Just as Strong. Or J.A.S. Anyway, you may be wondering 'What about the talk with Poseidon?' Well, let's just say it wasn't interesting. Now, here it is! Part two of J.A.S.!

Ever since Gabe "left", (He got turned to stone. Don't ask, long story.) I've been sleeping much more. I don't have Demigod dreams though. Well, that was true, until today. Or is it yesterday night?

I saw a figure chained underwater. It was quite murky, so I couldn't see much. As the dust settled, I saw one lone figure. She had pale skin. So pale, it could rival Hades. Anyways, her ash-white skin had weird red markings on them. I looked at her face. The only thing noticable of her face, besides her beauty, was a deep scar that ran from her forehead over her eyes and to her cheekbones. She chuckled. "Ares. . . . soooon. . . . I will come back. . . sooooon. . . very sooon," she croaked underwater. The dream then ended.

I woke up with the sound if an alarm clock. Exactly 7:30 AM. I saw Percie stir on her bed. Percie. . . . I've been feeling that she has been having trouble at school. I've always been there to protect her, but now, she has to learn to stand
up for herself. But let's not fret on that now! Today is the last day of school after all! And this year, I plan on not doing a quest. I jumped out of my bed. Not literally but I got out of bed

Ah school. Honestly, this year, school wasn't that bad. No monsters. Cool guys. Hot chicks. (Not that I would cheat on Selina, but a man can dream, right?) And, most importantly, no problems! (Fights, bullying, teasing, skipping, ext.)
"Hey, Yn!" my friend John said. "Sup man!" I responded. "Qué Paso, Yn!?" my other friend named Miguel said.
I'll give a brief overlook on my my two best friends. John Flyod is guy of  American-British descent. He had blonde, almost white, hair, fair skin, and bright blue eyes. He was also of the same build and height as me.
Next is Miguel García. He was of Texas-Mexican descent. (He came here this year, by the way.) He had brown, almost black, hair. His eyes were a deep, deep brown that attracted a whole lot of girls. Like John, he was the same height and build as me.
I met these guys on the first day of school. Honestly, it was one of the best days of my life.
"Hey, Miguel," I said. "Yo Yn, do you know if we go home early today?" John said. "I don't think we do," as I said this, we walked to our first period class, math.

It was now lunch. Now Miguel, John, and I usually hang out around ourselves. But today, under the request of John, we were hanging around my sister. Like last year, Percie didn't have much friends. This year, she hit a all time low of one friend. One weird friend I should say. While John was chatting up my sister, I was talking to Miguel. "You know," he started "-I think John likes your sister. Like as a love interest." I look over at John. "Yeah, most likely. But, he would tell me if he did. He's like that," I said. "There's no doubt in my mind about that," Miguel agreed

"Damn! I forgot my shorts!" said John. "I got you man," Miguel said, handing him some gym shorts.
We were all finished finished changing and waited by the wall in the gym. For the coach, if you were wondering.

"Yo Yn," John started, "-are you going over to my house today?" I look at my sister that was currently doing nothing. "Nah, I have summer camp," I said. John and Miguel look at me funny. "What?" I ask. "You go-" Miguel started. "-to summer camp? John finished. "Yeah? What's wrong with that?" I asked them. "Like nobody goes to summer camp," said Miguel. "Y'know, my girlfriends' there, right?" I said. "Oh, sorry man," Miguel said. "Don't worry about it man," I said.
"Me pregunto que bella es ella. ¿Tal vez tan hermosa como la mia?" Miguel whispered in Spanish. "We get it man! You speak Spanish!" John said. Miguel grew a smirk. "Lo siento, señor.  No sabía que era la década de 1950," Miguel said in Spanish, once again. "Alright, guys! Today, we're doing dodgeball!" said our coach. We all look at each other. "Sit it out?" I ask. "Sit it out," John and Miguel said, at the same time. So, while the coach wasn't looking, we snuck under the bleachers. Obviously, the bleachers weren't made for three 6'0 tall kids. But, we made a tight squeeze. "Hey, why does she have a name tag?" John asked. "Maybe she's special?" Miguel replied. I looked closely. 
"Bob Bob?" I said, scratching my head. "What kind of name is Flesh Eater?" John questioned. "Forget that! What idiot named their kid Bone Marrow Sucker?" Miguel asked. The three weirdly named kids, were girls. They were, maybe, the same height as us? But the worst thing about them, their hair was on fire. Damn! I didn't think I'd have to fight today! I try to grab my pen. 'Damn it! Of course I had to where the shorts with no pockets!'
"Okay! Start!" the coach said. I looked over at Percie. She looked over at my direction and mouthed, Help. I start to move out the bleachers. "I thought you wanted to sit it out?" said Miguel. "Yeah! But my sister is in trouble!" I responded. "What do you mean?" John asked. "Look!" I said, pointing. Out there, on the dodgeball area, twords the three weirdos. "Oh shit!" yelled John. Bob Bob grabbed a huge chunk of bronze a threw it. The worst part? It was on fire. Of course.
The ball went over Percie's head and into the concrete wall behind them. A giant hole was made. "What was that?!" Miguel asked. I ran over to Percie.

"Percie! We need to go!" I yelled. "I know!" Percie responded. I looked around. The giant hole! "Come on! This way!" I said. Percie nodded. We dodged and weaved through the fire and out the hole.

"When did you get here?" I asked the giant. She was maybe 6'6 with a huge flannel shirt and jeans. With no shoes. "Sorry! I just followed Percie! She's my friend!" she said. 'Isn't her name like, Tyler? Or something? I forget?'
"Don't mind Tylene, Yn," Percie said. "Sure," I responded. 'Now what?' I ask myself. I looked around. 'A taxi! Perfect!'

The taxi was extremely packed. By any means, we were on our way to Camp Half-Blood. My home away from home. You could say.

There it is guys! Part 2 of the story, hope you enjoyed! And thanks for 4k views! Makes me feel like I accomplished something other than making a complete shit story. The hiatus is now over. Expect more chapters.


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