Chapter 19: The Defeat of The Caucasian Eagle

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Day two! Still no sleep!

The eagle, it broke or cracked my ribs. I'm not sure how many.  I thought the eagle was going to pick me up and drop me again, but it didn't. Instead, when it dive-bombed me, it threw me into a tree. It was starting to seem like he didn't mind Selina but hated me. Which is weird because Selina was the only one to hit it! No worries! I can still win this fight! I felt something drip above me. Rain! Perfect! It's not much but it will help! I groggily stood up and readied Innuendo. (A/N: Innuendo is our sword, by the way. Couldn't think of a better name at the time.) I practiced this move in my free time. I call it.... rain walking? Yeah! Rain Walking! Good enough!

It took a couple steps before I got the hang if it. Then, it felt like second nature! I quickly catch up to the eagle. "Come on you nig dumb bird!" I yelled. It turns out I didn't have to say anything because it was already about to bite me! I quickly dodged out of the way. What I didn't expect was it scratching me with its talons! Like seriously! I'm not the only one here! The eagle turned to me. We were at a standoff. I didn't want to attack first, and it knew that I would dodge this time. That's when my girl Selina came in! She shot two arrows, one in the eye and one it the wing! It, again, screached. I took the initiative. I sprinted twords the beast as fast as I could. I then stabbed its other eye out. It seemed to expect this and, almost, bit out my liver. I then flew backwards. Good news: it's blind. Bad news: I don't have a sword. I need at least one minute to get it back. It came charging at me. I was to deep in thought to dodge. The hit shot me twords the Earth at high speeds. I landed on a branch in some tree, the bird smelled me or something, and dive-bombed twords my location.

Who know a bird could be such a formidable foe? Not me, of course. But, it seemed that Selina had my back. She fired a arrow that found it's way into the eagle's brain. It then evaporated into a mountin of Monster Dust. I fell out the tree.

It finally dawned on me that I might die. My lungs felt horrible. My ribs, even worse. I don't want to even get started on my head. Luckily, Selina came to my aid. When she saw me, she cringed. "How do I look?" I asked. "Not....good," she said. I looked at my surroundings. "Hey, what's that?" I ask, pointing to a golden colored something. "I-I don't know," Selina said. "I'll go check it out. Who knows, it might be the Golden Fleece!" she said in a cheerful tone.

She came back with a thing that looked like sheepskin but golden. "I'm not sure if it's the Golden Fleece or not, so just hold on while I get some Nectar and Ambrosia!" she said, throwing the sheepskin on me.
Selina soon left. The sheepskin, it felt... warm....comfortable. My chest soon felt much better. I soon had the courage to stand up. And stand up I did! Before I fell down. I heard some giggles, before full blown laughter. It was Selina.

We soon moved on from that venture with the eagle. Selina and I also found out that we had the Golden Fleece. We soon made up camp, ate, then slept.

I was in another Demigod Dream. Damn I hate these! I was in some dark, murky water. Everything around me was a brown-black color, except one thing. Or person, I should say. It was a large white figure about, maybe, 50-60 fet away? I started to walk twords it. Yeah, walk. Not swim, walk. I was soon in front of the white figure, and what a site she was. She was chained up to the huge rock with some rusty, moldy, and rough shackles. I couldn't see her face because she had her head down. I tried to touch her, but to no avail. Then, the dream ended.

Me and Selina were having a nice breakfast of protein bars and water. "Hey, Yn, where do you think are destination is?" Selina asked. "Who knows? Maybe it's in Pennsylvania, or it's in California," I said. "I hope it's not in California," Selina said. I cocked my head to the woman next to me. "What's wrong with California?" I ask. "My dad lives there," she said. I nodded in response. "Well, the U.S is a big place! Who knows? We might end up in Nebraska!" I said. Selina cheered up a bit from that. Guess she likes Nebraska.

We continued our walk West. After hours and hours of walking, we came to a restaurant. With a town. We decided to stay the night here. But before that, food.

And that takes us to where we are now. A diner. What man wouldn't want a burger after a hundred miles of walking? Okay, it wasn't that much, but it was close! One thing that was weird about this diner, was that no one else was here! It's almost like they didn't know this place existed. It was only, like, 7:00 PM! At least the food was good. I took a sip of my Coke. That was a mistake.

I soon woke up on a cold floor. "What the fuck!" I crawled away from what I saw. Dead bodies. Dead bodies everywhere. They all had the same injury, a stab to the chest. Was this my fate too? Then something horrible happened. A chute opened from the sealing. Then, Selina feel through the chute. With a hole through her chest.

Is Pennsylvania this bad? Probably not! Anyways, thanks for 5k views! I know I'm not there yet, but God damn I'm close!


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