Chapter 8: Those are NOT Garden Gnomes!

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Still waiting for someone to help. Don't be shy. Please I need help.

Yeah walking sucks. I found this out from walking a billion miles in a day. And the whole way, Annabeth and Percie were bickering. Not good by the way, I was just about ready to feed them to the next Hellhound we meet until they said. "Yn!" They both started at the same time. "Did you hear what she called me!" They said at the same time. 'Man not now!' I was going to say something until I saw flashing lights.


Percie and Annabeth stoped arguing for a moment. (Most likely from the smell.) I looked over and saw Percie drooling. I elbow her in the ribs. "Ow!" She said. "What!?" She asked. "You're drooling." I replied back. She looked embarrassed until I said. "Let's see if we can get something to eat. We have money right?"
"Yeah, we still have money. Although i'm surprised Percie hasn't eaten it yet!" She yelled. 'And now they're back to arguing.'

We made it across the freeway to Auntie May's Garden-Gnome Emporium. I turn to Annabeth and Percie. "Can you both shut up. Please?" I asked. "Sure." Perxie said. "For now I can." Annabeth said emphasizing the word now. "Good enough." I told them. After a couple of seconds of quietness, I got a surge of confidence. I knocked on the hard wooden door.  Who opened the door surprised me. I thought it was going to be a old ugly woman. What I saw was a tall and beautiful woman. From her skin tone and her headdress I would guess she was Middle-Eastern. (Thanks Fan-Fiction-King!) For some reason, she was wearing sunglasses. Maybe she was blind? Whatever she had it didn't matter because she started talking. "Oh what are you poor children doing all alone?! Shouldn't you be with your parents?" She asked. Before I even got to answer Annabeth said. "We're orphans, miss." She said. "Oh then why did you run away."
"They were uh..... whats the word..... abusive! They were abusive!" I said. In response the woman, who I will now refer to as May, looked at us quizingly, I think. "Well why dont you nice children come on in." She told us. When I stepped in the smell was even better. It smelled like greasy burgers, greasy fries, and like milk-shakes. Just like I like it. "Sit down children, i'll be back with some food." She said going into a kitchen. "Somethings fishy...." Annabeth said. "Maybe she's making fish?" Percie said. Annabeth gave her a mean glare. I face plamed. "How about we eat, then leave? Sound good?" I said. "Yeah whatever, Yn" Annabeth said. May came back. "Here you go, on the house!" She said cheerfully. We dug in. May asked us a few questions, but I couldn't focus. I was looking a Percie who was just inhaling her food. I was tempted to say something, I didn't though. "Where is your restroom?" I asked politely. "Down the hall to the right, my dear." She said politely. "Thank you." I go to the restroom.

After I finish, I wash up.
"Time to explore." I wisper.

I am terrified. While looking around I found a statue or "gnome". It was someone I knew. I could recodnise him in a second. I walked back to the gang. "I'm back!" I tell them cheerfully. I finish my food.
"We should be going. Thank you May, for the food." Annabeth says. "Oh before you go, can you do something for me?" She asked. "Sure, what is it?" Percie asked.
I got my pen ready. "Look into my eyes!" She yelled. Instantly I turned and covered Andromoda's eyes. "Yn! Fight her!" I heard Annabeth yell. "How!?" I yell back. "Here! Take this!" She throws me a hand-held mirror. "Thanks!" I yell.

It it way harder to fight backwards then I thought. She was most likely goimg to beat me. She threw an attack, I dodged and got hit. But I prevailed. After a couple of hits, Annabeth jumped on the back of Mudusa, I presume, and stabs her. "AHHH!" Mudusa screams bloody murder. "I will get you for this!" She yelled. "I'm sure you will!" I say before I stab her. She disappears. Well at least her body does. Her body disappeared and all that was left was a bleeding head. "What do we do with that?" I ask. "For now let's keep it safe."
"Percie, can you find a bag?" Annabeth asked. "Uhh..... sure?" She responds.

After a minute or two Percie came up to us. "I found this..... leather bag?" She said quizingly. I took it. After further inspection, I found out that it is indeeed a leather bag!. "Good enough I guess?" Annabeth said. "Yn, can you put the head in the bag?" Annabeth said. "Why me?" I asked. "You're the man, you should be able to do it right?" She asked teasingly. "Fine, fine! I'll get the stupid head!"

Biggest mistake if my life. When I touched thr head my hand felt like it was burning. I toughed it all the way though. "Can I get dose Ambrosia? Or something?" I said in pain. "Yeah,......" Annabeth said. She then gave me Ambrosia. I ate it, and it tasted amazing.

We decided to get some distance from that building. We are curently camping about ten miles away from the building. Everyone was asleep besides me. I was tending to the fire.
I feel a sudden burst of heat. "What the?!" I say. I look to my left and see a eight year old girl. "What? Who are you?" I say. She smiles. "I am Hestia, Goddess of The Hearth." She said calmly. "Why did you come here?" I ask. She again smiles. "To help you." She said. "What?" I ask. She giggles and touched my forehead.
I black out.

Howdy readers! It is me! All I want to say is thank you. Thank you for your support and your reads! I also want to say that every weekend I will post a chapter. So stay tuned.


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