Chapter 16: Cheap Trick

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Sup guys! Just wanna say that I will make this part different because I don't remember The Sea of Monsters. So, I'm making a completely different story line! The quest WILL happen though.


"That will be 200 bucks," the cab driver said. I reached into my pockets. 'I hope someone has money!' I thought. Low and behold, Tylene said, "Here." I looked her. In her hands was a couple of wadded up dollars. I thought she was homeless, or something. Guess not. We all got out the car. Well I didn't. I fell out. Tylene and Percie got out safely. At least Percie helped me up. The cab drivers off.

"Ah. Our home away from home," I said, looking over the camp from a hill. "Feels good to be back," Percie said. "It sure does," I replied. "Is this where Percie lives?" Tylene said. I looked back at her. I didn't notice before but Tylene had one eye. "Are you a Cyclops?" I asked a little too soon. She dropped her head down. "Yes, Tylene is cyclops," she said. She sounded quite sad. Sad isn't the right word. More like. . . I don't know. Sad is all I got for know.
"I'll go check out our cabin, okay?" I said to Percie. She gave me a nod.
I start walking.

I say hi to a couple of campers, but two caught my eye. Tran and Connie Stoll. They were by the basketball courts doing something. Couldn't tell. Connie was on Tran's shoulders in order to reach the rim. Barley I might add.
"Need help?" I asked. They didn't flinch. "Yeah, actually!" Tran said. "I can't quite reach up there!" Connie exclaimed. Connie slid off of Tran's shoulders. Once they were both on the ground, I made a discovery. Tran was on Connie's shoulders. I noticed this because Connie is actually an inch or two taller than Tran. Anyways, I helped Connie into my shoulders. I walked near the hoop, trying to keep my balance. "A little to the left, now back, perfect!" Connie said. She started to put stuff inside the hoop. I looked at my surroundings. Since it was mid-day, most of the campers weren't here. Still, sort of weird. "On to the next hoop, Stallion!" Connie said excitedly. I heard Tran sniffle a laugh. Again, I had to walk with another human being on my shoulders. Really hard I say. "Done! Now let me down!" Connie requested. As per her request, I let her off my shoulders. "Thanks for the help, Yn! If you need anything, and I mean anything-" Connie said, winking, "-,just ask. Okay?" Tran gave her sister a smile. "Sure. I'll keep that in mind." I responded back. "See ya, Yn!" Tran said, blowing me a kiss and running away, withe her sister following. I started walking twords my cabin.

'Just as I left it!'
I laid down on my bed. I felt some discomfort on my upper back; I reached back and grabbed the object. It was a book. On the outside it said 'Important Figures: Drawings'. Oh yeah! This thing! After my quest last year, I made a few drawings of some important figures. (Gods, places, people, ect.) I threw it on the nightstand. I then laid back down again. 'What the hell!' I looked down at my resting spot to find a flask. Not just any flask, however. This flask was designed with 'death' in mind. Skulls, scythes, and other things. All painted into one big silver flask. And on the flask, was a note.

Dear, Yn

Hey! I just wanted to thank you for my helm! So, I decided to give you this flask. I know we made a deal that you would get your mother back and everything, but I couldn't help myself! Even if I am the Goddess of the Underworld, I still like helping! So you're welcome. Anyways, the flask is called σύγκρουση (Clash) and it can suck up things. Liquids OR monsters. People too. But they have to give up hope first. So, when they're about to die, use this to capture them. You can also bring them out if you want, liquids and what not. But be careful! If you experience loss, true loss, there is a chance of going insane. The same is true if you give up hope.


Huh. Neat. I grab the cool silver flask and set it on the counter. "Now, time to sleep." I laid down, closed my eyes, and slept.

Another Demigod Dream. I was on a barren battlefield, with hundreds of people behind me. And in front, a man about as tall as me with green skin, black hair, and sea green eyes. He hit me so fast, I couldn't react. I took a step back. Blood dripped from my nose to the floor. "Shit!" I yelled, trying to stop the bleeding. The dream faded. Next thing I knew I was riding a pegasus. I felt arms around my back and stomach. I tried to look back, but the dream then ended.




I heard three consecutive knocks. I, of course, got up to see who it was. I opened the door to see a wonderful sight, my girlfriend. "You come to camp and don't visit your girlfriend?!" she asked. I scratched the back of my head. "Yeah," I started, "I feel a sleep. Sorry." She shook her head. "Anyways, wanna hang out?" I looked her in the eyes. "Yeah, I do,"

A Few Hours Later

Me and Selina where in the lake in the camp. If you're wondering how, I learned how to make an air bubble. So, here I was, my girlfriend laying on my chest, in the middle of the water. What more could a son of Poseidon ask for? "Yn?" said Selina. I looked down. Her beautiful shimmering-blue eyes looked up at me. "Yn," she said. I looked at her amazingly plump, pink, kissable lips. "Yes?" I replied. "Do you love me? she asked. "Of course, I swear it open the the River Styx." I said. She let out a cute giggle. "You didn't have to say it so formally," Selina said. "I know, but I mean it." Selina replied with, "I know you do." That melted my heart

After a considerable amount of time underwater, we surfaced. Like the first night we met, I walked her to her cabin. "How about I stay in your cabin?" I looked at her like she was crazy. "You know we'll get in trouble, right?" She smiled at me. "Don't worry! I have a plan!" Selina said. Finally succumbing, I say, "Sure, let's go."

Cabin Three

Right outside Cabin Three, I felt a strange aura. I looked over at Selina, she was rubbing her arm and looking embarrassed. "Yn, whatever happens, don't think too much about it," Selina asked. "I got it," I replied.
We went inside the cabin. There, on my bed, was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, wearing an transparent nightgown. Selina looked like she was about to die of embarrassment. "Looks like you're finaly here!" the questionable woman said. "Mom....." Selina whispered. "Mom, why are you here?" Selina asked. 'Then that's Aphrodite?' Her mom smiled. "Isn't normal for mother to see their daughter's boyfriend?" Aphrodite said.

Bit late but whatever. Anyways I would like to say one thing. Selina will be your girlfriend. Can't say if you'll stay together or what not. If you want, shoot me a DM or leave a comment and I'll respond. Have a good day!


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