Chapter 5: Never Again

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Yare yare daze......

When I get back to camp I see Annabeth. She walks up to me. "Yn, look i'm really sorry." I repond with. "It's whatever I guess. Nothing really happened." She gives me apologetic look. "Yn, you need to do some camp activites to see who your parent might be."
"Okay, what will I be doing." I asked. "It's better if I show you."
She then took me around the camp to do activites. And, I found out that I suck at everthing exept useing a canoe. (Is that how you spell it?)

Anyways my last stop for the day was an arena. Lucie was going to teaching sword fighting. I grab a practice sword and line up with everone else.
"Allright-" She starts off with. "I need a partner. Any volunteers?" Lucie said. No-one stepped forward. After a couple of seconds I sigh. "Yeah sure, i'll go." I go twords Lucie. She then starts explaining a disarming technique and why it works.

"Enough explaining watch closely." She then does the disarming technique. "You see how he had to let go? This technique is a little challenging. But, it's good to start off hard. Now, Yn do it to me." She then takes the sword out of my hand. "Okay, now Yn you try." She told me. I took a deep breath and did we she told me

Surprisingly I succeeded. Even Lucie was shocked at my performance. "Good jod Yn!" She gives me a highfive. "Allright! The rest of you practice." She then turns to me with a confused look on her face. "How'd you do that so fast?"
"What do you mean?" I said. "I mean no-one ever did it on their first try. Not in 300 years." I responded with. "Beginners luck I guess?" She seemed to be lost in thought before she said. "How about we spar?"

It seemed kind of weird to spar her since she had so much experience. But, whats that old saying? Don't fight a man that has nothing left to lose. And, right now I fit that criteria.
"Sure, why not?" I decided. "Great, follow me."

I follow her a little farther away from the group trying to learn the disarm technique. She hands me a practice sword. "Where did you get this sword." She points over to a stack of more practice swords. "Allright I want a nice clean fight. Okay?" I nod. 'Again with the nodding Yn. Come on your supposed to be a big talking big guy.' She takes a stance. I take one that feels natural. Right leg in front, left in the back, sword in the front. The sword isn't that ballenced and is a little bit too light. Also, unlike Lucie, I cant fit my 2 hands on my sword so I just use one.

She attacks first. A simple slice was what she threw. I dodge to the side and throw a jab. She seems to expect this and dodges my jab. And follows up with a jab of her own. It goes right into my arm. I push through the pain and punch her with a mean left hook and follow up with a slice to her left leg. She looks determined when she finaly dodges back. I take the offensive. I run up and feint a slice into a punch and kick. 'Im starting to like this fighting thing.'

But, she suprises me with a quick dash followed with a slice at my exposed stomach. I hiss in pain and decided to go as hard as I can before I bleed out. I rush in and jab and it lands. I follow it up with the strongest punch I could muster up with in my current state. Which sends her up a couple a feet up in the air. When Lucie lands she doesn't get back up.

I throw my sword in the ground and try to cover up my wounds. Someone runs up to me. It was a short girl like REALLY short. "Here eat this." She gives me something that looks like a lemon square. I eat it and I could visibly see my wounds close. She goes off twords Lucie and gives her the same stuff. Seconds later she wakes up. Lucie come up to me with a smirk. "Good fight, Yn!" She pats my shoulder. "You past all my expectations" She gets close to my ear. "I wonder what other tricks you have up your sleeve." She then licks my ear and walks off. 'Never Again.' I look up twords the sun to see it's still mid-day.

Litte did Yn know that fight sparked a fire in Lucie's heart that would never be extinguished.

I headed to the showers to actually take a shower. Luckily, inside there was clothes, shampoo, and towels. I take a shower. I come out and dry myself. I decided on jeans, and a shirt that has Camp Half-Blood on it. After a little scurrying around, I found a belt. (By the way I love belts.) And finally, I walk out a new man. Annabeth was waiting outside. "I saw that fight. Impressive. Maybe your a son of Ares?" She looked at me with her calculating grey eyes.

She then sighed and said. "No use worrying about it now. Follow me, Yn." She takes me to a bench. She sits down and pats the seat next to her. I sit down. "Yn, how much do you know about the Greek Mythology?"
"I know most of the stories." I tell her. She sighs and mutters something. "Look Yn whatever you know isn't exactly the same." She said. "Dont the myths change over time? Is that what you mean?" I asked her. "No, well... your not exactly wrong. It's just that.... well most of the gods are....... women."

"What do you mean?" I again asked her. "Okay, well lets just start off with the major gods. Zues, Hades, Apollo, Ares, Hephastus, Hermes and Poseidon they're..... woman." This made thing a whole lot more complicated. So, I guess my dad isnt Poseidon. "But, how can the myths steer that far off course?"
"Look Yn, it doesn't matter as much as you think it would." She told me. I cam down. "Yn, depending on who your parent is you don't need to worry." I nod. "Now lets get lunch."

When we got to the eating area she told me the rules and that she won't help me anymore but I could ask her questions. I head to the Hermes table and have a nice lunch.

After lunch you could anything you want to. I head twords the lake. There I decided to test my powers again. Like last time, I could only move the water a little. After some time I decided to take a dive ito the lake. This is where things got weird. When I was down there the fish started to talk to me. I found a interesting Largemouth Bass willing to give me answers. 'Hey' I started off. 'Why are fish talking me?'
'The same reason you can breathe underwater.' I hadn't noticed before but I was breathing underwater. 'And whats that?' I asked him. 'You know Poseidon right?' I nod. 'Well children of Posedion can talk to fish, horses, and breathe underwater.'

'Your saying that i'm a child of Poseidon the sea god?' I asked him 'Yes, and if you excuse me I need to eat.' He swims away. 'How.' I thought while sinking to the bottom of the lake. The more I thought about some weird myths came to my mind. I remember Zues wanted to have sex with some godesses. (Whose name I forgot.) Anyway the goddes doesn't want to have sex with Zues so she turns into a duck or somethig. Moral of the story, Zues and other gods can shapeshift.

I dwelled enough on this topic an swam back to tge surface. I look twords the sky to see the sun setting. I put on my clothes and go twords the dinning hall. There I see people getting food and giving offerings. I get food and give my own offering to Poseidon. (Annabeth told me to do this by the way.) It smelt amazing. I then head to the ctouded Hermes table and sit down next to some twins.

While eating I hear someone trying to gain my attention. I look to my left and see it was the twins. "Hey-" One started. "We're the Stroll sisters nice to meet you." They looked the same with their blonde hair and shap elf-ish features. "Im Yn."
"Im Tran and she's Coney." Tran sticks out her hand for a handshake. I give her hand a shake. I feel a electric shock, but just to seem tough I don't react to it. It hurt by the way. But they seemed impressed. We had a normal conversation. I then went the Hermes cabin. Above my bed I find a horn. 'Huh neat.' I then fell asleep.

Deadpool this took hours I hope your happy. Anyways thanjs for almost 200 views in just 1 day! Anways I now have to proof read this chapter. Also DEADP00L80900 is now editor/adviser/cool guy. Also a whole lot people are going to be lovely ladies.

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