Chapter 25: Black Beast

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Hey, hey! One more, right? Also, I have a new love! It's Thalia!

"Do you think the Demigods would like punk? I hope so!" Thalia said. "I think you and me are the only ones," I said. Which was true. Demigods usually stay true to their roots and usually don't go out their comfort zones. Me and Thalia were a different though.
Gabe, when he was younger, and skinnier, when he was dating my mom. Back then, he still smelt like beer and cigarettes, minus the garlic. He also was quite the 'punk' you could say. He had long, crazy hair, ripped jeans, and usually wore a leather jacket, much like Thalia. Then, he got old, and you get the point. That's how I know about punk. Not sure about Thalia though.

"Hey-" Percie started. "Shut up," Thalia interrupted. "Now, where were we?" Thalia said with a big smile. "You were talking about the two new Demigods?" I said. She put her arm around my neck. "That's why I like you! Unlike the one next to us. . ." Thalia said with hatred in her eyes. "My mom's in the car, y' know?" I said, raising an eyebrow. "I could care less!" she said.

"Have fun kids!" My mom said as she dropped ous off. Now, here we were. A couple of kids 'dressed to party' as my mom said. Well, at least Percie and Annabeth were. They wore some nice outfits, while me and Thalia were dressed up as punks. Why did my mom agree to this? God, Thalia, why do you have to be like who you are? Why do you have to take so many traits from Zues? Like being a dick!
"What are we here for?" Percie asked. "To find some Demigods, stupid," Thalia said sharply. "Calm down, Thalia, Percie just asked a question," Annabeth said. "Haha. . . Sorry!" Thalia said, scratching her head.
Luckily, the doors of the school were open. Sneaking in wasn't a problem either. The teacher just thought we were late! Ha!

With that out of the way, we started to search for the Demigods that were in this school. Annabeth went off on her own, and so did Percie. And so did I, well at least I tried to.
"Whatta you think they look like? Probably a couple of squares, right?" Thalia said with a smile and a elbow nudge. I looked at her. "Who knows, maybe they're time travelers!" I said jokingly. "Haha! Yeah, good one!" Thalia said. I started looking around. ''Whatta  looking for?" Thalia asked. "The Demigods," I said. "Why not dance?" Asked Thalia. I looked her another time. "I can't dance. That's why," I said. She laughed. "Haha! Me neither!" Thalia yelled.

After extensive searching, I found nothing. I didn't really help that Thalia was annoying me the entire time. In the end, I couldn't find anything. At this point, I was practically carrying her. "In so bored! Let's do something!" She told me. "What do you want to do, Thalia?"
I asked her. "I don't know.... but I wanna do something besides walking around!" At this point, she wa actually clinging onto me. "Yeah, me too," I said. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw my sister's frightened sea-green eyes. "We found them, but we need to hurry!" As soon as she finished that statement, she bolted to some double doors. I turned to Thalia. "They've found them! But we need to hurry!" I yelled. Thalia understood and started to run along side me.

Busting through the double doors, I instantly felt the bitter snow bite me. I'm glad Thalia made me wear this stupid jacket.
"Help them!" Thalia yelled, shield and spear at the ready. "Yeah!" I responded, un-capping my ball-point pen.

When Thalia said help them, I thought they were fighting some Hellhounds, or something. Not a 10-foot tall beast. It head the head of a human, with horns coming out of his forehead. He had his black hair combed back, and an evil mustache to go along with it. It didn't help his eyes were mismatched either. His body was equally evil. A long slender body, almost like a dragon's. A huge tail with long spikes all along it. He had long sharp claws on both his arms and feet. All and all, he was the bad guy, I knew that much. 
He was fighting Percie and Annabeth while they were protecting two individuals. I couldn't really tell what they looked like, but they were most likely girls.

"Out of they way!" I yelled, using the surrounding snow as a wave almost to increase my speed. Percie and Annabeth heeded my advice and jumped out of the way, Thalia did not.
"Come at me!" She yelled, rushing in with her spear and shield.  Not a good idea. I had to stop my rushing wave of snow that I created.

When I stopped my wave of snow, I went flying. The ground came closer and closer before I felt the ground hit my shoulder. I tumbled for a good 10 feet before I came to a complete stop.
The snow felt warm and soft, almost as if I was at my bunk bed back at camp. I shook my head. That was close, I almost fell asleep.

I rose and looked at my surroundings. Thalia, Annabeth, and Percie were all fighting the black beast, although not very well. The spikes on the tail of the creature were flying off of it when he swung his tail around. Thalia poked him pretty hard, which got his attention. He suddenly swung his tail directly at Thalia. Thaila tried to block it, but that didn't go so well. The spike hit Thalia in her leg. I started to sprint twords Thalia.

"THALIA!" I screamed. I slid twords her and looked at her leg. "What's the diagnosis?" She jokingly asked. Her leg was turning a little black and the spike was lodged in the bone. "Not good," I said before I took of my jacket and folded it. "Here, bite on this," I said. "Sure! Why not," she said, rolling her eyes. Whe she finally bit down on the leather jacket, I pulled out the spike. I heard a grunt, but I didn't look. Next, the poison. I uncapped my pen and it turned into a blade. Sorry Thalia, but this is gonna hurt. I then cut the decaying flesh from her leg. I turned to Thalia. She was crying and her eyes were bloodshot. I took the jacket from her. "Yeah! Thanks a lot, man!" She said  sarcastically. "Yeah, yeah," I said while tearing off a bit of my sleeve. I then made a tourniquet and wrapped it around her leg. "See ya!" I said, running back into battle.

I raised my hand and gathered snow to push the beast. It worked and the beast was pushed to the ground. What I didn't  expect was him to grab Annabeth and chuck her off into the sea. "ANNABETH!" The three of us screamed at the same time.
He chuckled a deep menacing laugh. "Didn't expect that, huh?" He said. He began to laugh hysterically. I saw flash of silver.
It was an arrow.
Suddenly, what seemed like hundreds of arrows came flying in. All the while he kept laughing like it was the funniest thing in the.

Kept you, huh? Anyways, I'm back! I would just like to say that for giving me 7k reads—not views—and for 200 votes! This chapter took weeks to finish, but now it's done! Hope you like it!


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