Chapter 26: The Hunt, And The Hunters

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Sup y'all! I'm doing good, just have been focusing on school since I'm about to fail a class, anyways here's the next chapter!

The madding laughter died down with the spreading of monster dust. "WOW! THAT WAS AMAZING!" I looked over to where the loud voice came from. It came from a cheery girl wearing a blue shirt, a black jacket, and some blue jeans. Another girl got off the ground and dusted off the back of her pants. "Don't say that! Didn't you see what happened!?" The other girl, presumably her sister, said. "Yeah! They were fighting, and it was cool!" The younger girl said. The older looked at us with. . . Contempt? Pity? Whatever it was, she meant it with all her heart. I could tell.
"Who are you?" The older girl asked. "I'm Y/N, this is my sister, Percie. We're twins." I said. Which was true, we were twins (but I was born a minute earlier) but we didn't really care. "YEAH, AND I'm DYING!" Said Thalia. "I should. . . Get to her," I told the pair of sisters.

I slid to Thalia to check on her wounds, the result? I have no god damn idea. "How's it look?" Asked Thalia. The wound looked better, it didn't have blackish-green decaying flesh and was now a healthy stream of red. Which was a start? "Uhhh. . . No idea," I said. Thalia started laughing. "HAHAHA, That's so like you, HAHA." Eventually, her laughter dialed down into occasional chuckles. "Move away, boy, let me handle this," a female voice said. Turning around, I saw a girl, around 12 or 13, with a bow holster over the shoulder with a silver Parka to match. Her auburn hair mixed well with her clear, tan face. "Yeah, sure," I said, moving away. The person didn't bat an eye at me after that.

I regrouped with Percie and the other girls, I say other girls because there were other girls. Two, to be exact. One was about 15, the other was about 13 or 14. The older looking one was tall with black hair and olive skin, she had obsidian like eyes which were unnaturally piercing. She, like the girl I just met, was wearing a silver Parka, the girl next to her too. The other girl had long red hair and a pale complexion. She had this permanent scowl on her face that seemed to grow with every either every passing second. No idea why though. Percie looked at me "Is, uh. . . Thalia okay?" Percie strained. She and Thalia weren't on the best of terms, Thalia was so rebellious and Percie was. . . not. Thalia and Percie clashed heads maybe because they were similar in some aspects. Percie was just as stubborn as Thali if it more. Although, on her better days, she might try to strengthen the relationship between her and Thalia. "No idea," I said truthfully. "Oh! This is, uh, Phoebe?" She said, pointing to the taller girl. "And this is Zoë!" Percie said, pointing to the blonde girl. Zoë looked about ready to kill, probably me since she was looking directly into my eyes. "It's Phoebe, not Zoë!" Phoebe said. The girl, presumably Zoë, put half on her shoulder. "I art Zoë, thou hast forgone introductions, with haste; presumably." Said Zoë. "What?" I asked. Her eyebrows arched in frustration. "Thou name," she said with a touch of venom. "Y/N," I said.

"-Do you think I could walk ever again, Y/N? Probably, right? I mean it's not like I lost my leg or anything, but I did bleed a lot! Right? Man, that was scary! I was like 'Oh no! I'm gonna die without making fun if Percie one more time!' Haha!" Thalia said. I smiled at her monologue. At least that she isn't dead, that's a relief. "Yo, Y/N! Thanks for carrying me, man! Too bad, I can only see the ground!" Thalia said. "That was the fifth time that you've said that," I said.
". . . . Really?" Thalia asked. "Yeah," I said."

Shortly after that conversation, we came to a clearing in the woods. It had dozens of tipis made of various leathers and furs with lots and lots of crates of food and bait laid around. Not very safe I would say. "Boy," a voice said. I looked to my left and saw the same girl that told to leave Thalia alone just. . . shorter. "Uh, yeah?" I asked. "Put her down," she said, pointing to Thalia. "I mean, I guess," I then laid her on the ground slowly. "Thanks a lot, asshole! You left me on the cold hard ground!" Thalia said. "You're lucky, I don't even have a jacket. You bled all over it," I said. "What does that have to do with this!" She asked. "I was cold before you," I said, walking away. "THAT'S NOT EVEN REMOTELY COOL!!" Thalia screamed at me. As I turned and walked to a nearby river.

The river was pretty salty. I probably should have guessed that since it wasn't frozen at all. So now all I could do was sit by the river and wait. And wait I did. It seemed like hours, but I had some nice fish to talk to. "Ey, yo man, you like. . . Have a totally sweet thing going on man," the fish said. "Thanks, man," I said. "So. . . What the hell are you doing out here? The seas are getting dangerous man, almost typhoon like,'' The fish told me. "I'm on a quest, and what do you mean by the typhoon?" I asked. "Like. . . Totally disruptive my guy, almost like the sea god doesn't have it under control!" The fish informed me. "Huh, I'll look into that," I said. "So. . . Do I like to get a prize? For like helping you out and stuff?" The fish asked. "I don't have anything to give you man," I said. "Anything's fine dude, even a name!'' He said. A name, hmm let's see, "Okay! From now on you're The Most Important Fish! How's that for a name!" I said. "It's totally rad! I'm gonna score all the hot fish chicks man! See you later man!" The fish said before he swam upstream.

"You can talk to fish? That's so COOL!!"

I know that I've been missing for a while but I just wanna say I'm sorry, I've been focusing on grades and some personal matter and I couldn't update, thanks for 7.73k views though!

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