Chapter 45: Mike

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My eyelids flew open and landed on the ceiling of the room I never wanted to be in again. He found me! I pinched myself thinking it was a bad dream but I didn't wake up.

This isn't happening. This is happening! I sat up frantically and my eyes instantly zeroed in on my purse on the dresser across the brown room.

I removed the covers that were over me, realizing that I was not bounded or tied in any way. I frantically glanced around the room, looking for anything and everything I can use for weapon in case my purse no longer held the one I own.

I will not go down without a fight this time. Mike will not touch me this time. Just as I got to my feet, the door swung open and his silhouette stood in the frame.

Broad shoulders, muscled arms and tall form. Menacing grey eyes stared out at me from the darkness. Those menacing eyes. He stepped forward revealing his dark hair and now scruffy beard.

Now as I look at him without the fear and tears that distorted my vision, he and Lisabeth have no resemblance to each other. My sweet niece looks nothing like this monster.

His lips twisted into a disgusting smirk, "Did you miss me?"

I silently glared at him. He eyed me from head to toe, his orbs landing on my hair. "So, you deliberately broke all the rules while I was away." he sneered, "You like looking like a whore, don't you?"

"You should let me go now. My husband is not a forgiving man." I retorted monotonously. His face became a mask of anger and he slammed the door closed behind him.

I didn't flinch. I wanted to but I didn't. I won't give him the satisfaction.

"That's another thing. Who the fuck gave you the right to think you can marry another man? And a rich one at that?! Were you that desperate for money?!" he spat.

I kept my head up. If it's one thing I learnt from dealing with that bitch Darla is to stand my ground. "I am my own person Mike. I can love and marry whoever I want."

He glared at me and swung a fist at me. I wasn't fast enough to dodge it and it landed on my ribs. I let out a howl of pain and fell backward onto the bed.

"Your lost your touch." I spat shielding my stomach with my arms.

Fire appeared in his eyes and as he pulled his fist back I heard a familiar voice.

"Don't mess her up too bad, Mike. I wanna do some damage too."

My heart accelerated in my chest as my sister's face came into view. Her eyes were filled with disdain and her lips were twitched in disgust.

"L-Lisa?" I sputtered.

"Hello, sister." sneered. Mike chuckled, "Surprised?"

My eyes welled up, "Lisa, is he making you do this?" She stared blankly at me and then a thought hit me. Lisabeth. Where is she?

"Does he have Lisabeth?! Is that why you're here?!"

I was desperate for answer. This is my sister, I love her. She can't be willingly doing this, can she?

She let out a taunting laugh, "You are so fucking naïve."

My heart dropped. This is not the Lisa I know and love. This is someone else; someone with a vendetta against me.

"Also, if you are depending on your rich boy toy to come get you out of this, think again. I'll do everything in my power to make sure you stay missing."

With that they walked out and slammed the door closed. I heard the click of the lock and my heart broke. My own sister.



I threw everything off my desk table and grunted at the person on the other side of the phone.

"You're fucking looking into it?! I told you who to look for! My private investigator will be bringing the documents to you right now! I don't give a fuck about protocol, find my wife!"

I slammed the phone back in its holster. It's been a week. I feel useless. I have received no word from her kidnapper or even Darla who has since been missing as well. They are on that Jake guy's trail but no one has seen him either.

I'm irritable, I can't sleep, I'm barely eating. All that's on my mind is where in the hell is my wife. I've spent such a long time without love and now that I found it again, she's ripped away from me.

When I get my hands on that son of a bitch he'll wish he'd never set eyes on my girl. Carson cautiously entered my office with Roger hot on his tail.

I gave them both a simple nod and Carson left almost hurriedly. Roger had an unreadable expression on his face as he sighed.

"This was dropped off at my office this morning." he mumbled and held out a yellow envelope.

I grabbed it and immediately ripped it open. I pulled out a stack of pictures and my stomach turned as I viewed it's content.

The first was a picture of Darla bound and gagged. Her flesh was already rotting and her intestines were falling out of her stomach. The second one was of my wife, she was bruised all over. The next three pictures were the same only she looked more bruised than the last.

My hands shook. What are they doing to her? The last picture made my eyes sting. She was strapped up to a bed naked and she was bleeding out from her lady parts.

I dropped the pictures on the already messy floor and sat on my desk to stabilize myself. Everything felt like it wasn't real. The first tear fell from my eyes followed by the flood that came right after.

I failed her. The words kept ringing in my ear over and over. I should have never been that far from her, then maybe I'd be able to prevent this.

"Chris, I know what you're feeling right now. We are all feeling it but I need to take this to the police." Roger said affirmatively.

I shook my head. Nothing made sense. I glance down at the picture again and my heart stopped. Where the door is in the picture you can see a person. And I recognized that person's hair anywhere.


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