Chapter 25: Jealousy

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Christian isn't talking to me. After the guys left, he simply told me to get ready and went to his room. I was a bit bummed I admit.

At the moment, we're in the limo on our way to the banquet. He is sitting away from me, on the other side of the car, looking out the window.

I tried to talk to him on many occasions before we left, he didn't even look at what I was wearing. I was absolutely infuriated with him but because it's me, of course I'm already calm.

He's obviously not. My phone pinged and I quickly turned it on to check who it is. I giggled quietly upon realizing who it was.

"Care to share what's so funny?" Christian asked in an annoyed tone. I simply put the phone down and looked out the window.

"It's nothing. Just Levi." I answered monotonously.

I felt his anger before I heard it. "Why the fuck is Levi texting you?!"

"It's nothing Christian. Will you calm down?"

There was silence and then i was being pulled to the other side of the car and sideways onto Christian's lap. I gasped but then blushed as felt his hand grab my thigh firmly.

I stared at my hands in an attempt to avoid his burning gaze."Look at me." he ordered. I didn't.

He squeezed my thigh in warning and me head snapped up meeting him eye to eye. He tilted his head, his heated gaze becoming more intense. "I'm gonna ask again. What's so funny?" he growled out.

"It's nothing Christian." I whispered. His intense stare remained on me for a while before he leant forward and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. "Better be nothing." he mumbled and settled me on seat next to him.

We arrived at our destination a few minutes after. Christian told me it was a hotel but it looked more like a palace to me with its high columns and exquisite and intricate designs. Angels covered the ceilings and every hall was carpeted with red carpet and decorated with expensive vases holding delicate tulips and lilies and large, expensive paintings. All the walls were lined in gold and the entire establishment just shined.

"Christian, this is beautiful." I gasped as my eyes flittered around the beauty of the hotel.

He rest his hand on the small of my back, "Do you like it? I plan to invest here."

I nodded eagerly and a small smile crossed his lips. I saw the gears turning in the back of his head but chose not to question it and just focus on enjoying the night. He lead me to a pair of double doors that had two large pictures of baby angels. A doorman was there and he opened the door to let us in, winking my way.

I felt Christian tense and stop in front of the open door. He gave the doorman a cold stare, "I suggest you keep your fucking eyes off my fiancé if you want to keep them."

The doorman flinched, even I felt the coldness of his threat. He then pulled me along with him inside the very classy ballroom. "Whose great idea was it for you to wear that dress?" I heard him mumble and I blushed. Levi had convinced me to wear a pink, off shoulder dress that had a sweetheart neckline and fit snug round my waist and fell loosely round my legs with a split running up to mid thigh on my right side. It had a simple diamond in the shape of a circle where the crest of my breasts is and it was decorated with rhinestones along the waist and trim of the dress.

He made me curl my hair up and wear only a simple diamond choker and studs. Not gonna lie, I thought looked amazing but Christian didn't even spare me a glance when I walked out my bedroom earlier. I frowned; maybe he doesn't like simple elegant.

"You look amazing, by the way." he whispered quietly to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I blushed and ducked my head, shyly. So he did notice.

"Thank you." I answered softly. He paraded me around the room. I got more attention that I wanted then as I received many hateful looks from some of the women here. Some of them gave me disgusting looks and I felt as if I was about to throw up; they reminded me of Mike and how he used to look at me.

I unconsciously moved closer to Christian, feeling a more than a little secure in his presence. Sensing my discomfort, he grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers together, making me feel a lot more safe.

"It's okay." he whispered near my ear, "I'm right here and I'm not leaving your side."

I felt my shoulders relax then. He lead me to a group in the far corner of the room. They seemed like investors. As soon as we we're close enough, all eyes turned on me. I felt my skin crawl with discomfort and sighed.

"Good evening." I greeted timidly once we stopped and joined the group.

"Chloe, these are the investors I've told u about; Mr. Darwin, Mr. Emmerson and Sir Owen the Third." Christian introduced and I smiled politely.

"Gentlemen, this is my fiancé. Please do well to remember that." He shot Mr. Emmerson a cold look as his eyes lingered way too much on me. I found it strangely attractive that Christian could get jealous.

"Hello." all men greeted together. I just smiled.

"She is quite the beauty." Mr. Darwin complimented, "You're pictures don't do you justice."

I shifted closer to Christian feeling uncomfortable with the attention I was receiving. Mr. Emmerson looked behind me and a smirk appeared on his face. A woman walked around me and stood next to him. She was taller than me, round 5"9 with a thin frame and platinum blonde hair that was obviously dyed.

She wore a tight baby blue dress that had no sleeves and reached her mid thigh; it complimented her eyes. Her shoes made her even taller as they were six inch heels and her make up was done perfectly. I felt somehow miniscule and ugly compared to her.

I felt Christian tense beside me. The blonde turned her blood red lips into a smirk. I thought she was beautiful but with that expression she seemed evil. I suddenly felt uncomfortable around her.

"This is my date, Mr. Humphrey. I believe you've met the most beautiful, Darla Davison." he said.

I glanced at Christian to see him clenching his jaw. I tightened my hold on his hand and gently swiped my thumb over his. I felt him untense slightly. What is it about her that has him so tense? Instantly, I felt a dislike toward her.

"Nice to see you again, Christian." she said flirtily.

She called him by name. Did she know him in a personal way? The thought of him being with her had my stomach twisting and I didn't know why. I tapped his shoulder and he dragged his eyes away from Darla to meet mine. "Yes, my dear?" he asked.

I blushed at what he said and stumbled over my words, "" His eyes softened and he relaxed completely next to me.

"Excuse us, gentlemen, Miss Davison." and he lead me to a table filled with food.

"Did you know Darla personally?" I asked curiously. He glanced at me and picked up a plate.

"That's a discussion for when we get back to our penthouse." was all he said and focused on getting me food.


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