Chapter 7: An Apology??

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I'm the biggest asshole of the century. That's the first thing, I thought when I saw her slumped against the wall, dry tears on her face. And then I thought, What the hell is wrong with me? This girl is innocent. She is different.

My heart hurt just looking at her like that. Is it that I, the Christian Humphrey, am feeling something..... for this girl? Is it that, it goes beyond lustful attraction? This girl appears to be broken, can she even trust me after the way I've treated her? Do I want her to trust me?

Do I want to know more about her? The answer to that is yes. I, Christian Humphrey want to know more about a girl. Great! I sighed, frustratedly. Can I allow myself to let a girl into my heart, again?

She's different.

But what if it's just a ploy. Jeez, this is some romance novel shit. It's the fucking real world. Things like this don't happen in the real world!

Besides, even if I feel something for her, she might not even feel the same way.

Try you fucking idiot! That's what Darla wants. She wants you to still be hung up over her. Let her go and for the love of God.....Try! I could only imagine dad yelling that in my face.

Maybe I should. Damn self conscience. Always fucking right. I will try and I would get this girl to feel the same way for me but only after she proves her innocence more. I'm not going to get my heart broken again. With a new determination, I picked her up, as gently as I could and placed her on the bed, where she should be.

Then I wet a towel in the bathroom and came back to wipe her face. I took off her heels and tucked her in. One last glance at her and I left to my own room and asked a maid to change her.

When I got in, Liana, was laying on my bed. She smiled when she saw me. That kind of smile that was sultry. "Hey there handsome. Where you been?" she said.

I rose my brow at her and tilted my head to the side. I'm not really turned on right now as I should be. Then again I am getting married. These flings have to stop.

Liana was the maid I told to show Chloe her room. She sometimes is a plaything for me. Our relationship was simple, no strings attached. She works for me and I fuck her when I was extremely stressed.

But right now, it's going to stop. "Didn't I tell you to show Chloe to her room?" I asked narrowing my eyes. Chloe didn't mention anything about a maid coming to her so I'm making my own assumptions. I'll ask her when she gets up.

Liana quickly stood up and looked up at me, almost remorseful. Almost. She had a slight smirk on her face. "I did, sir. She was mean and told me to get my ugly ass away from her. So I left."

I loomed over her, "Don't fucking lie to me Liana!" I snapped, "Get the fuck out of me room and don't ever lie to me again!"

Her eyes widened, "But what about..."

"In case you haven't noticed, I am engaged and getting married in two fucking months. My fucking flings were officially over when I announced the damn thing on Flash News. From now on you are a maid and nothing else. Go!"

She laughed at that and walked to the door. "You'll be back once you realize that little girl can't satisfy you." she retorted before she left. Stupid whore.



I woke up to the sun shining in my face. The bed felt soft underneath me and I pulled the sheets up more, feeling comfortable. Wait a minute... I didn't fall asleep on the bed.

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