Chapter 27: The Choice

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Three hours.
It's been exactly three hours since Christian took off and is yet to return. I looked at the clock and sighed, two o'clock in the morning.

Where could he be? I looked at the television that's on but I'm not watching. I honestly don't even know what's showing right now.

I sighed as another minute passed on the clock. I wish he'd just come back so we can talk. I know I probably gave him the wrong impression when I went silent and started to cry but I felt so used.

Hurt had clouded my mind and I didn't know how to react but now I do. I've made my choice and I want him to come home. I have to tell him.

Half an hour passes again and I start to get worried. Where could he have gone? Sighing, I was just about to pull out my phone to call him when I heard keys rattling outside the door and four familiar voices.

"Calm down, Chris. I'm sure she's probably sitting on the couch, waiting for you." I heard my cousin's voice say through the crack of the opening door.

"Don't tell...don't tell me lies Manolo." I heard Christian's voice slur.

Is he drunk? I scampered off my chair and hurried to the door, yanking it all the way open. Everyone froze when they saw me. Roger and Gerald were holding up a very drunk Christian while Levi and Manolo were trying to get the door open before I did.

Christian, feeling the shift in the atmosphere looked up and met my worried eyes. "Chloe." he whispered, " didn't left."

The slurring of his words and the way he said left instead of leave made me realize he was more than just a little wasted.

"You guys were with him since he left here?" I asked and they all gave a hesitant nod. I felt my irritation spike.

"¡Hombres estúpidos!" I screamed at them, "How could you let him drink like that? I was worried sick!"

Levi, Gerald and Roger looked confused while Manolo looked sheepish.

"Uh, what did she say?" Roger asked, blinking.

"She called us stupid." Manolo answered with a sheepish smile.

"Chlooooeee...." he slurred, "Please don't leeeeaaaave"

I sighed, "Just get him inside and get out." They silently did as I asked and left with a mumbled goodbye.

Christian sat still on the couch and I rubbed my temples in frustration over this situation. "Come on, let's get you to bed." I told him and draped an arm around my shoulder.

"Chloe...Chloe have to to talk." he slurred as I dragged him to his bedroom.

"We'll... talk in the morning, Chris." I huffed out as I finally made it to the door. I swung it opened and pushed him through; he stumbled a bit.

"Can you get undressed?" I asked as he opened his mouth to talk. I realized my mistake a bit too late when I saw a smirk cross his lips.

"I..I mean so could... so could go to bed." I tried to correct quickly when he started taking big steps toward me. I walked backwards trying to find an escape but hit a damn wall.

He trapped me between his arms, hands on either side of my head and let his eyes roam down my body. My heart felt like it was running a thousand miles per minute. What is he up too?

Without a single word, he leaned in and kissed me; a soft, slow, sweet kiss that was turning my heart into a puddle.

I kissed back, no hesitation, letting him lead the kiss at his own pace. He pulled away after a while and kissed the tip of my nose.

"You are so beautiful." he whispered and started peppering kissed across my jaw and down my neck. His hands grabbed my waist gently and he pulled me to him.

I tilted my head more to the side, giving in to his advances but realty snapped back into place when I felt his hand reaching up the hem of my nighty.

I pressed my palms firmly against his clothed chest, "Stop."

It was like he couldn't hear so I pushed with all the strength I have, "Christian stop!"

He pulled away then and looked at me dejected. "Don't you want me?" he asked almost like a scared a little boy. I hugged him and his arms wound around me tightly.

"You're drunk, Christian. Let's go to sleep and we'll talk in the morning, when you're sober, alright?"


I woke up the next morning knowing that I wasn't alone. I felt an arm strapped around my waist and I knew instantly it was Christian.

He'd somehow snuck into my room in the middle of the night. I know because I heard him call out to me and the bed dipping before I'd went back to sleep.

I turned in his arms to see him still asleep so I slowly slipped out and went into the bathroom. I looked in the cabinet and found aspirin. I rested them on the bedside table and sat at the couch, waiting for Christian to get up.

I glanced at the bed and saw him reaching out on the bed with furrowed eyebrows. He eventually flew into a sitting position and looked around frantically until his crystal blues landed on my glass greens.

He scrambled off the bed and knelt before me, resting his head on my stomach. I froze up, my eyes widening. He's never done this before.

"Oh, Chloe." he said in a soft voice, his words sounding almost like a whimper. "I know I said you can leave if you want to but I can't let you do that." he continued.

I entwine my fingers in his hair and relax, deciding to hear him out before I tell him my decision.

"Last night I said I was selfish. I meant to say I am selfish. I want you to stay with me. Please! I can't.... I won't be able to function without you. Chloe, this all started as a business deal but it's not anymore.

" I'm sure you feel it too. Just, please don't leave me."

His begging squeezed my heart and right then I knew I made the right choice. I scratched his scalp lovingly and I heard him sigh.

"You don't have to beg, Chris. I'd already decided to stay." I whispered to him softly, "I get why you did it. I'm not proud of the way we started up but at least we're truly together now."

I lifted his head so he can see my face and I gave him a small smile. His eyes shone with awe and for the first time, I saw tears well up in his eyes.

"I don't deserve you." he chocked out, "'re so....oh Chloe... I won't ever deserve you"

I watched as one tear fell out his eye, then another and then he was crying into my stomach. My heartstrings were pulled at the sight of this man, this beautiful, successful man, crying; knelt at my feet.


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