Chapter 4: The Decision

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"What?!" I exclaimed, "Marry you?! I can't do that." My eyes were wide and I was breathing erratically. Did he really just say that?

He shrugged, "Of course you can. All you have to do is say yes." He was watching me now, skeptically, as if studying an animal.

"But I barely know you." I whispered, looking away from his eyes. I heard a deep, throaty chuckle. It wasn't a happy chuckle, it was more, humorless and cold.

"That's never stopped any girl from getting in my bed." I held onto the arm of chair, tightly. Disbelief running through me. So many questions as to why he'd want to marry me of all people.

"Look, I will help you but I have to get something in return." he started in a business like tone, "Think of it in this way. It's a business deal; I help you out with your financial situation and you'll belong to me."

"It sounds like I'm selling myself." I blurted out, unthinkingly. He sighed, "Here's what," he took out a card and handed it to me, "Take my card and call me if your decision is yes. Until then I would transfer a small amount of $50,000 into your account."

I looked from the card to him and sighed. "Fine." I said and took the card from him.

"Good." he smirked, "I'll be seeing you then." With that, I got up, bowed and went outside to see Rachel waiting.

"So how'd it go?" she asked while we were leaving. I contemplated telling here about what her brother had said. I know she's my best friend and all but would she believe me?

This girl is your best friend. Of course she'll believe you.

I sighed, "Your brother is impossible."

She laughed lightly, "What did he do?"

I took out the card and held it up to her, "He said he'd help me....if I agree to marry him."

The car came to an immediate stop and I lurched forward. Thank God for seatbelts. "He did what? What did you say?" she rushed in concern.

"He said to call him if the answer is yes but I don't think my situation is that bad. Right?" It can't be. I think what he gave me would be enough for now, wouldn't it? Then maybe I can get a job. But mama doesn't want me working.

"I don't know, Chlo but if it does come to you deciding to marry him, I can't help you. At least he's giving you a choice." She replied and started back to drive as the cars behind us started to honked their horns.

Now this sparked my attention. At least he's giving you a choice...
The words ran through my head and I had no choice but to ask.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked in shock. Rachel gave me a small smile, "I'll tell you some other time."

"You can always stay with me, you know. I love having other people around the house." she offered. This is why I love her. She's just so thoughtful but I can't do that to her.

"You know, I can't do that to you, Ray. I'll never get rid of the guilt." She sighed but said nothing.

The rest of the drive was silent. Not the tense kind, though. That never happens between us. As we drove up to my apartment building, I couldn't help but gasp. All our things were being removed. Mamá and Lisa were outside, Lisabeth holding onto her mother.

"Oh my God, Chlo. I'm so sorry." Rachel whispered beside me as she stopped the car. I unbuckled my seatbelt and rushed out the car.

"Mamá, qué pasa(Mom, what happened)?" I asked.

My Best Friend's Brother: The Billionaire - Book 1[First Draft]Where stories live. Discover now