Chapter 13: La Vin Rouge

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"Rachel, slow down! Why are you walking so freaking fast?" I snapped at my frantic best friend. She simply waved her hand in the air nonchalantly.

"I'm not walking fast; you just walk too slow." she shot back. I grumbled under my breath. This girl is the definition of shopaholic. She's been dragging me around the mall the entire day.

Today, being the day of the party, was Rachel's last minute errand run. Apparently, she forgot to buy hair stuff. She's been looking in every salon on the 35th floor.

Now that she's finally found the perfect stuff, she's dragging me along on her other errands. We still have to go for our spa appointment and our nail appointment.

"Rachel Tanya Humphrey, my feet are killing me. You better stop right this instant." I snapped sternly. That made her halt in her steps. She turned around slowly and Rose and eyebrow.

"Since when did you become my mom?" she teased. Rolling my eyes, I caught up to her and looped our arms.

"Since you became my soulmate, hun." I rolled my eyes. "Now let's go to that spa appointment, shall we?"



"Carson! I need my reports on last year's sales count." I called to my P.A. He came rushing in with a thick binder and slammed it on my desk.

"Here you are sir." he mumbled before scurrying out. I rolled my eyes. Everyone is always so fucking afraid of me. It honestly pisses me off sometimes.

Ignoring Carson's action, I got to work. I had a lot of work to get done by 6 o'clock. I had to be at the party later.

I skimmed through each page making sure they were in order. I added in what needed to be added and took out the misplaced documents.

I really need to fire that accountant. That good for nothing has been slacking off for far too long. Actually, she was hired under my dad before I took over this branch.

My dad always bragged about how great a worker she was but I haven't seen any 'great work' since I took over.

After a while, I checked the time and swore under my breath. I'm going to be fucking late.



I groaned once again as Rachel poked and prodded at my face with the make-up brushes. "Don't complain, Latino. You knew I was doing your make-up." she grumbled.

"I told you be gentle and do light make-up estupida!" I snapped back irritated. Rachel simply rose an eyebrow at my sudden change of language but didn't comment on it.

"Christian is going to be there, Chlo. He hates imperfections. I'm just making sure you look your best so he doesn't say anything mean." she told me simply.

I sighed. "Is he that insensitive?" She nodded with a hum but didn't say anything until she was done. "There." She smiled, "Go look."

Rolling my eyes, I got off the stool and stared at the mirror. I frowned at what I saw. This isn't me.

The white dress I wore was complemented with a pair of white strap on heels. My hair was up in a neat ponytail with a side bang over my right eye. The jewellery --- well, a simple feather pendent hung around my neck with matching studs, a simple charm bracelet hung on my left wrist.

I looked like some upper class, snobbish girl. I hated it. Ray's smile fell and she sighed. "You're doing it again." she sang.

"Doing what?" I mumbled as I inspected my make-up. Thank heavens it was natural.

My Best Friend's Brother: The Billionaire - Book 1[First Draft]Where stories live. Discover now