Chapter 26: Christian's Truth

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I can't do it. I can't let her know that this whole marriage thing was all a rouse not to be bothered or approached about marrying Darla.

As I looked at her sitting across from me on the bed, waiting patiently for my explanation as to why I behaved the way I did tonight I felt a strange feeling in my chest. Fear.

She looked at me with those trusting eyes of hers and tilted her head. "Who is Darla to you?" she asked almost hesitantly.

I sighed and ran frustrated hand through my hair. "She's my ex girlfriend." I mumbled.

I felt the tension in the air as she replied with a sullen, "Oh."

It was quiet for a while after that. The tension in air thickened with every passing minute.

"Did you love her?" she suddenly asked, bringing her knees up to her chin.

I tilted my head in curiosity as to why she would ask that question. "I did." I finally admitted. I saw her become numb.

"Why did you break up?" He voice was barely above a whisper, laced with a sort of fear and anxiety.

I looked away from her. I couldn't see her like that. I know I act emotionally distant to her. She may not know what goes on in my head or my heart; if only she knew she made me feel so much in only a short time. Even more than what Darla made me feel.

"We met when I was 16." I started. I heard her take in a breath but I couldn't look at her as I continued.

"She was this hot Junior while I was a shy Sophomore and the first time I saw her, I thought I'd met an angel." I chuckled, "I never thought I had a chance with her.

"I was in honors Chem and that was the only class I had with her. She seemed to be having some trouble with remembering atom and electron counts in elements. Being a so called 'smarty pants', of course I knew how to and eventually offered to help her."

I glanced at Chloe to see her rocking back and forth with her head between her knees. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Chloe, I know you may not see where I'm going with this but it's relevant, I swear." I whisper to her. She only hummed.

"We worked together for a few weeks until this one day, they skipped me to a class higher and I was now somehow in most of her classes.

We spent allot of time together, at lunch and I even introduced her to my friends. My best friend at the time was a guy on the basketball team, Aaron. He was practically the opposite of me, he was buffed up, around my height, he was like a God.

He was also older than me. I should've known something was off about their first meeting but I played it off as harmless flirting.

A few days after Darla came up to me and more or less demanded that we go out on a date.

I was 17 by then, getting ready for Senior Year. We went to this fancy diner like place and by the end of the night we were having fun. Laughing, talking and then...she kissed me."

I sighed again feeling rage build up in me, "When we graduated my dad gave us his penthouse in New York. We both were in college by that time. We lived together happily with few fights here and there but that was it.

Sometimes she said things that purposely hurt me but I forgave her evey fucking time. I was so soft then, so weak. So I slowly began to change.

I took over my father's company after college and while I worked she always complained and then suddenly it stopped. I came home one day from work and saw her clothes thrown all over our living room along with some guy's clothes.

I recognized the guy's T-shirt and marched directly to our bedroom and that's when I saw them.

Aaron and Darla were on our bed, fucking. I felt something in me change that day. I felt my heart freeze and kicked them both out. Out of my home and out of my life.

I couldn't believe that after five years together she'll do this to me. I came to find out that it had been going on for almost two years a few days after."

By the end of the story I felt anger and resentment coursing through my veins. "She tried to get back with me a few times. I changed my number and the base of my business and I bought a new house.

" I did everything to keep her away but her and her mother's latest scheme is what had me against a wall. If I didn't do something I'd be bound to her forever. "

I gulp as I looked up and saw Chloe looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, the first time she spoke since I started my story.

I held onto her ankles and pulled her to my side with her legs dangling off. I knelt between them and held her face in my hands.

"Before I tell you the rest, I need you to understand that what I feel for you is not a lie. I don't have a name to label it yet but I know I'm so scared of losing you." I looked into her eyes and she seemed scared almost.

"Christian?" she whispered. I placed my forehead on hers. She's so short that even while I'm kneeling she's not that taller than me.

"Chloe, when my sister came to me with your case, I was still a very selfish man. I did a background check on you and when I found out you were clean and when I saw your picture I decided I would choose you to be my wife.

I was only thinking of myself then. Darla wants to marry me and I know if I refused they would go to my mother and she'll say yes.

The only way was to get married and that was where you came in. I admit I was an asshole to you those few weeks and I'm so sorry I held your family's debt over you.

I need you to believe me when I say that I feel something for you and it's so strong it scares me. I don't want you to leave but if that's what you want I'll let you go."

Tears welled up in her eyes and I felt my heart clench. She didn't say anything. Feeling defeated I moved away from her and got up on my feet.

I watched as she curled in a ball on the bed and I couldn't take it. I pivoted on my heels and headed out the door, grabbing my coat as I did.

I need a drink. A really big one.


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