Which he was.

"Shall we?" He said. I was confused.

"Isn't Asriel..." My question was cut short.
"He told you that you were his date?" Asaiah asked.

I thought back to the time he asked me to get ready by seven today. He didn't ask me to be his date, he just told me to get ready.

I suddenly felt upset. I couldn't help it.

"No he didn't say." I said rather disappointedly. It was something I felt saddened by.
"Then shall we?" He answered and gave me his hand which I took. The contact made me realize that Asriel had never touched me.

I once made contact with him when bandaging his wounds after he punched his mirror to death.

Back then I had not yet stated having feelings for him. Now that I think about it, I can't pin point when I started developing feelings for him.

"That's because I have not started developing feelings for him." I whispered to myself.

Asaiah gave me a weird look before opening the door for me. I got in and he closed the door.

He ran to his side of the car and got in. I mouthed a thank you as he smiled at me and started the car.

We made small talk about random things; the party, the guests, my outfit, his outfit, my day, his day and other things. Asaiah made sure the car ride was not silent. I actually enjoyed it.

We finally arrived at the Grande hotel and venue. I looked like those fancy places for the extremely rich people, not just anyone.

He opened the door for me and gave me His hand which I took. We walked in hand in hand.

By the door were a lot of people with cameras and microphones held back by some buff looking men in black and a red rope.

"Brace yourself for the paparazzi. If you do not want to answer their questions, you can ignore them" Asaiah said. I nodded, I was not going to speak to the paparazzi.

As we approached the hotel, some people spotted us and started flashing cameras at us. Asaiah was calm and collected while I was panicking for no reason.

Is this your new girlfriend Mr Parker?

Miss, how do you feel to attend such a fine gathering?

Are you connected to Gracia Plena?

Who is Asaiah Parker to you miss?

Mr Parker, introduce her to us.

The questions and camera lights were too overwhelming, it scared me. Why on earth do they want all that information anyway?

I lowered my head so that they would not get a clear shot of me and we walked into the palace hallway quickly and silently.

Oops, I meant hotel. The place was just so grand it made me think of a palace. We made a turn and entered the palace ballroom.

Sorry, I meant hotel inside venue place. It was such a beautiful place with its main theme as white and gold. All the people there were dressed fancily and looked rich. It made me feel underdressed.

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