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Phone x Me requested by LittleKatKitten

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I tossed my phone half heartedly onto the bed. I had like what, 30 more minutes? Wait, that was 29 minutes ago, hmm, make that 30. Wait. Wait. Oh F*CK. I quickly rushed downstairs, about to open the door when... WHERE IS MY GOD DANG PHONE? I couldnt leave without it! Crap, I was gonna be late for god knows what. That dang phone always making me late.

Timeskip because I dont want to write pure suffering

My feet hit the floor, giving a satisfying clack. Click, clack, click, clack. The noise quickly flooded my earlier anger out. Thump! "Hey! Watch where you're going!" I shouted, feeling part of me slowly disappear. Where is my phone? I immediately realised something is wrong. "COME BACK HERE THEIF!" I ran past the buildings, my surroundings becoming a blur as my eyesight became foggy. Huff... Where did he go? Dont worry, I can always get a new one... I comforted myself... When I reached the building he entered. Drip, drip. The sound of liquid hit the floor. Warm liquid fled down my face. My phone... shattered... laid on the floor, stotic... My phone was gone...

As the months past, I only thought about my old phone more and more. My pAřəNţ§ bbbought me aa new one to replace my old one... the guy who stole my phone got caught, JUSTICE was served towards my phone... it was like every story I read, one treated the other like trash, and only when the other was GONE, that one person realised how much they loved the other... I had TRIED, I worked together with the police for months straight to find that theif you know? Barely sleeping or eating, the nightmares (I kept spelling nightmates, help) would haunt me.

"Darling, please come out of your ro-" my m0ţHəř paused, shocked. There was no more (Y/N). That... person... they hung themself, the cursed rope which strangled their life out coiling around their neck. MøťHəř screamed.

A new notification popped out.

'Lets hope we will be together forever ok? Love you.'


The end.

Remember to brush your teeth before you cross the road.

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