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When I was first taken I bit, I clawed, I scratched, I dug at my cage; trying to escape. Slowly I stopped fighting and time lost all meaning. Freeze, unfreeze and freeze again. My memories of the life I had before slowly disappeared every time they took me out of my cage cage. What were they doing to me? I don't know how long I've been here. I don't know the hour, year, or season. I don't know if it's night or day. It's always cold and dark in my cage. The cold and dark didn't bother me but it was always like this.

I had reached a point where I couldn't remember anything. How long has it been? What did the outside feel like? Did I ever used to be outside? I'm different from the others. The two leggeds, I don't understand their growls and grunts. Their sounds are unfamiliar to me, I don't don't understand them. They growl at me all the time, like they're angry, but I don't know what they want. 

I heard a loud bang but ignored it. One of the two leggeds probably blew something up again or they shot each other. It had happened before. I ignored the noise, if the two leggeds in white or the bang sticks wanted me they'd come and get me. After a while silence fell and my door opened. In the door way stood a two legged with a shiny fore limb with a red mark. I looked at him but put my head back down. He growled and barked at me but I didn't understand his growls.

I looked at him, he looked familiar. Perhaps he was the one that had been in the cage with me. I looked at the chain on the wall that was connected to a metal collar around my neck. I put my head back down. I couldn't leave, I had stopped fighting, I couldn't remember if I had ever fought. I must have if I was chained.

Bucky's POV

We were storming a HYDRA base. There weren't many people, but there was a lab set up. They were working on something, or someone. I left the others to see if there was anyone being held prisoner here. The rest of the Avengers could handle this. I found a door that wasn't far from the lab. I opened it to see a form laying on the ground. It turned to look at me. I recognized her, we had shared a cell.

On cold nights we would sleep back to back to keep warm. She never spoke, I don't think she could understand. She was here when I got here. She tried to keep me from fighting. How long had she been here? "Do you remember me?" I asked. She looked back at me again then up at the wall before putting her head down. I looked where she did and noticed the chain. She was chained like a dog.

I walked over to the chain on the wall and pulled it free. "Come on, let's go," I said but she just lay there. I pulled on the chain. She turned to look at me, this time getting up. She walked on all fours, like a dog. Just then Steve came around the corner, holding a large file.

"Bucky, they have a girl here, she's been here since 1920."

"I got her Steve," I said leading her from the room. She had been here almost a hundred years. Why couldn't she understand though? Steve got down on her level and she backed up and growled and hissed at him like a cat and swiped her hand at him, as if trying to scratch him.

"Easy, we're here to save you." She continued to growl.

"I don't think she understands Steve. When I was here with her she never spoke or responded to anything anyone said."

"Bucky, she's got to be in her 20's. How can she not understand?" Steve asked.

"What does the file say?" Tony asked coming over. She growled even more at him stepping behind me. Steve looked through reading.

"She was found living in the wilds of Africa at age 12 and brought here. It says she was living with a pride of lions and would gather fruit from the apes." That explained the walking on all fours. "The file also says it is believed she grew up there, without human interaction." Well there was our answer about her being able to understand and speak.

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