Lucifer- the devil and SHIELD

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I answered my phone as it rang. Ignoring this person wasn't an option, though I had a few choice words for them. "What Fury, you said I had a few days off," I snapped. Working with him was supposed to be a side job, to keep the lights on and food on the table. One job didn't cut it anymore. I was working ten-hour shifts and trying to go to school to get a better job. The degree probably wouldn't help much, not in today's world.

"We have one that won't talk," Fury said. His side job at times was more of a full-time job if a full-time job meant working two full-time jobs.

"Wonder why," I said in a sarcastic tone. "Your guys in there with a whip yelling abuse again?" I was who they called when they had someone who wouldn't cooperate. I had worked with a few others before; Loki, Bucky Barnes, and Bruce Banner.

"They were trying to cleanse him."

"Excuse me," I asked.

"He's the devil," Fury replied. At this point in doing stuff for SHIELD, I didn't question it. I had seen many strange things, even met a doctor named Strange. If he told me there was a universe where pigs flew and birds ruled the world I would believe him.

"And protective custody didn't seem like a good idea? I'm on my way and you're a fool." I headed to the facility where he would be held. No one here stopped me anymore. I went to the ground floor, more than 100 feet below the surface. Couldn't have the average person finding out the secrets of the world. Those in custody were kept underground. Finding the right room was easy enough to find, the door was labeled "DEVIL". Inside one of the nurses was trying to treat his wounds, but he wasn't letting her.

I knocked on the wall that came into his space as I had already come through the door. He tensed and the nurse, Sarah looked up at me. "It's okay Sarah, I'll make sure he has what he needs," I said gesturing to the door.

"Don't touch me," he said as I took a seat across from him and Sarah left.

"I was taught to keep my hands to myself," I replied. He snorted, not believing me. His skin was red and scarred along with the open wounds. He also had very large bat-like wings. They had tears in them from where they had hurt him. "I would like to clean your wounds though, if you'll let me."

Just then someone charged into the room heading toward him with a whip in their hand. "You'll do as she says demon," he growled. I stepped into his path grabbing both wrists to keep him from using the whip that was made from spines.

"The choice is his to make. If any further action is taken against him without my approval I will make sure that you lose your job," I said giving him a hard look.

"You don't have the power," he growled.

"Call Fury," I replied shoving him out the door.

Sometime after he left Lucifer spoke again, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"No," I replied.

"Why? I'm a monster."

"If people actually paid attention to what they read in the bible, then they'd know the Devil was never the bad guy. The bad guy is the one that has been put up on a pedestal. Your appearance doesn't make you a monster."

"You don't know what I've done," he growled, clearly annoyed.

"The past is the past, leave it lie," I said. He just looked at me, "The hard part is living with it, but I guess I don't have to tell you that." He sighed looking away. "I'm not going to force you to talk to me, as I said your choice." I broke our conversation to let him think or ask me questions.

"Do I have to be kept here?" he asked after several minutes.

"I don't know. I can talk to Fury and try to make other arrangements. I can't promise anything though," I said.

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