Bruce Banner-Retrieval Part 2

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I was in the lab with Bruce and Tony. Tony kept on discussing how this was going to blow up in Loki's face. Tony was an overconfident bastard. Bruce didn't want any part of this upcoming fight. I didn't blame him, he seemed to be more of the peacekeeper than a fighter. "Or you'll be suiting up with the rest of us,' tony said working with the touch screen.

"No, I don't get a suit, I'm exposed, like a nerve," Bruce said. I understood, I didn't get a suit either. It sucked. Every bullet, every punch, every stab and cut was felt to the full extent.

"He's right Tony, your suit protects you completely. Everyone else has to take the punches, bullets and stabs. For Bruce and me the bullets may bounce off but they still hurt." Tony was also walking around poking Bruce with some pointy object that gave a shock. I shook my head at his antics. "Tony your manners suck. How old are you anyway? Four?" I asked.

"Try three," Bruce said chuckling and I joined in on his laughter.

"You really do have a lid on it. What's your secret? Bongo drums? A big bag of weed?"

"HEY! Are you nuts?" Steve asked coming into the lab.

"Jury's out," Tony replied.

"Is everything a joke to you?" Steve asked. I rolled my eyes. He took things too seriously.

"Funny things are," Tony replied.

"Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny," Steve replied.

"Relax Steve-o," I said rolling my eyes.

"No offense," Steve said turning to Bruce ignoring me.

"No it's all right, I wouldn't have come aboard if I couldn't handle...pointy things," Bruce said watching Tony walk around.

"You're tip-toeing big man, you need to strut," Tony replied. Men I thought with a sigh shaking my head. I looked over at Bruce as Tony and Steve started to argue. At some point, Tony told Steve that Fury was lying to him and hiding something.

"You're surprised?" I asked. Finally, Steve left.

"That's the guy my dad never shut up about?" Tony asked causing Bruce to laugh. I zoned out for a while.

"So you're saying the Hulk, the other guy, saved my life. That's nice, a nice sentiment. Saved it for what?" Bruce asked.

"Don't know, you may just like," Tony said returning to work.

"You may not," Bruce said.

"Try to relax a little Bruce, life is too short to be constantly worried," I said. Sometime later everyone was gathered in the lab. Nat wanted Bruce to leave the room and I moved to stand in front of him. My ears were back, shoulders hunched forward, hair on my neck raised, and tail twitching.

"Do you want to remove yourself from this environment?" Nat asked. I growled at her.

"I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed. I want to know why SHIELD is using the cube to build weapons."

Tony and Steve were having a dick measuring contest to see who was the bigger, better man. Thor was laughing at them, this was how we would be defeated. Men. "Agent Romanov would you please escort Dr. Banner," Fury started. I growled at him. I had promised him no cages.

"To where? You rented out my room," Bruce replied.

"It was only just in case of," Fury started.

"In case you needed to kill me, but you can't I know. I tried." He told us of his attempt and how it failed. I moved to stand closer to him, still in front of him, blocking him from the others. He started to go on a slight rant about his secret and how he was good till he was dragged into this.

"Dr. Banner,  put down the scepter," Steve said. I turned to look at him and he was holding it. He quickly put it.

"Sorry kids, guess you don't get to see my magic trick after all," he said going back to the computer. Suddenly it started beeping.

"What is that?" I asked coming to stand beside him. Before he could answer there was an explosion. Bruce and I fell through the floor. I wasn't sure of what was going on for a moment. When the dust cleared I saw Nat was trapped next to Bruce who was trying not to transform. I ran over to her and lifted the metal pole off of her leg. "Keep everyone out of here, go," I said pushing Nat to the exit.

"Just breathe, take deep breaths. No one will hurt you, just breathe," I said in a calming voice. I stayed where he could see me and didn't use either name. He pulled away just before he transformed. Great. Now I had to keep him down here as the Helicarrier was being attacked. "Hey big guy, can we talk?" I asked. He let out an almighty roar and ran at me. "I'll take that as a no." I ran at him as I transformed. All hell broke loose. 

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