Jacob Black/OC part 2

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 A/N: This is still the request of _stellastyless She has asked for a part two.

The battle came and Jake was his usually moody self. The battle was intense but short-lived. At the end when we thought we had them all, save one another stepped out of the trees and Leah charged him. "Leah! Don't!" Edward called rushing forward. The vampire was hanging from her neck, he was going to crush her.

Jake pulled the vampire off but found himself about to be crushed when I pulled the vampire off of him. It was a struggle between the pair of us. I finally managed to tear him apart after he tore my arm off. Once I piled him with the others I picked up my arm and rejoined the others. "Jacob you idiot I had it!" Leah yelled now in her human form.

"Leah!" Sam barked. All the wolves were now in human form.

"The Volutri are coming," Alice said.

"Thank you for your help Sam and to the rest of you as well, but it would be in your best interest for you to head on back to your families now. The Volutri won't honor our truce," I said standing next to the pack.

The Volutri arrived and made small talk about how they were surprised that we had survived the assault. I wanted to call bull shit. Before they left they killed the one we tried to spare. Jacob talked to me a little bit more after that, but we still fought, mainly over him still loving Bella. One day I just snapped at him.

"She's made her choice Jake! Grow the fuck up and accept it! Be the friend she needs, not an asshole. You aren't two." With that, I ran off into the woods.

~1 year later~

I wasn't sure all the places I had been over the past months, I just needed time to think. It had been nice to just be on my own, to have silence again. I had returned for Bella's wedding. She wanted me as a bridesmaid. I wondered if Jake was going to show for the wedding.

Jake did turn up, but not as expected and the pack had to make him leave the party

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Jake did turn up, but not as expected and the pack had to make him leave the party. I didn't get to see him, but I heard him.

~2 months later~

Bella had come home from her honeymoon pregnant and everyone was real worked up about it. She could deliver any day now. Carlisle, Esme, and Emmett had gone to get more blood for her. It was her only chance apparently. But an issue came up, the placenta detached. We'd have to deliver the baby. Alice ended up escorting Rose out while Edward and I delivered the baby only to find out there were two.

Jake was keeping Bella focused on him. There were Renesme and EJ. Alice and Rose came to collect the babies as Bella started to fade. I immediately bit into her neck, injecting her with venom. It was hard to resist the taste of her blood, especially since I hadn't fed in weeks. I then got Bella cleaned up as I heard the pack approaching. Great, they were here to kill the babies and us.

I went outside to meet them covered in blood. Soon I was joined by Alice, Jasper, and Edward. "We're outnumbered, by a lot," Jasper said.

"I won't let them hurt my family," Edward replied. The fighting started and at some point, Carlisle, Esme, and Emmett joined us. There still weren't enough of us to outlast this. Suddenly Seth and Leah came out of the house.

"Stop, it's over. You kill them you kill us," Seth said. Sam lunged at him. Seth and Leah both blocked and transformed.

"Seth and Leah imprinted," Edward said as Jacob appeared on the scene. "Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law." The children were safe.

Jacob's POV

Seeing Stella again was nice. She wasn't the worst vampire out there I guess. And I guess it was kind of cool how she wasn't afraid of werewolves. As the rest of the pack left I turned to look at her and my whole center shifted. Gravity was no longer holding me here. I was willing to be anything she needed; a friend, a brother, a protector. I had just imprinted.

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