Sherlock- Adoption

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A/N: This one shot uses my OC Dev from one of my Sherlock Stories. This is based off a dream I had

I walked into the Holmes household to hear shouting and someone crying. Unfortunately, this was common. I ran up the stairs to see to Mr. Holmes using a key to open a door where no doubt his youngest son was hiding. I hurried to get to him first. When Mr. Holmes was angry his children paid the price. I spent as much time as I could at their house to protect the boys. "What are you holding? What are you hiding?" Mr. Holmes shouted at Sherlock.

"Mr. Holmes, that is enough," I said coming into the room as Sherlock tried to pull the bathroom door closed. His father yanked the door back open. I moved so I was standing between the pair. "If you lay a hand on him I'll teach you a whole new definition of pain. Leave," I said.

"You don't get to tell me how to treat my son!"

"Would you like me to call the police?" I asked calmly. That kind of scandal would ruin him. He left and I turned to Sherlock and bent down in front of him. "What is it, sweetie?"

The eight-year-old climbed into my lap as I leaned against the cabinets. "I want out. He scares me. Please don't leave me here. Take me home with you," he begged.

"You know that will be a messy and long process?"

"Just get me out," he said nodding. Thankfully Mycroft was already 18 and out.

"Of course, sweetie. Let's go pack you a bag." I picked him up and carried him to his room. I helped him pack and put his coat on. The poor kid still had tears running tears down his face. "Sherlock, I promise, I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, to keep anyone from ever hurting you again." I started to leave the house holding Sherlock's hand.

"Where do you think you're going with my son?"

I turned to Mr. Holmes, pushings Sherlock behind me. "He's coming with me. You clearly don't know how to be a parent."

"William, come here," Mr. Holmes said.

"I want to be called Sherlock!" the eight-year-old said from behind me. 

"Her house is so small, why would you want to stay with her?" Mr. Holmes asked.

"It may be smaller but I feel safe there," Sherlock said getting upset.

"Let her take him. He isn't happy with us dear," Mrs. Holmes said. He started to argue. "We should let our son be happy."

"He isn't her son. She doesn't know anything about being a parent!"

"He's as good as my son! As is Mycroft!" I said loudly. I couldn't have children of my own. I had been brutally attacked a few years ago and my attack had ripped out my womb. As far as I was concerned Sherlock and Mycroft were mine.

"We'll have our lawyer draw up the paperwork so you can take custody. His stuff will be shipped to you," Mrs. Holmes said.

"Thank you," I said leading Sherlock out of there. I took him and his dog to my small house country house just outside of town. Once inside I put him on my lap on the couch and Redbeard joined us. "Get some sleep, Sherlock. You've had quite the morning," I said kissing his head.

"Are you my mom now?" he asked looking up at me.

"Do you want me to be?" I asked looking at him, keeping my arms around him. 

"Would I have to call you mom?"

"You can if you want, but you could just call me Dev or Devika if that makes you feel better or you're more comfortable with that," I said.

"I think I would like having a mother that cares about me," he replied.

I kissed his forehead, "Get some sleep sweetie. When you wake I'll make you some lunch," I said setting a pillow in my lap and pulling the blanket off the back of the couch. He settled down in my lap and was very quickly asleep. Poor kid, his parents never tried to understand him, they just yelled. Mycroft had been kicked out when he was 17 because he tried to leave with his brother. I brought Mycroft into my house and spent even more time after that at the Holmes residence. 

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