Mr. Gold-Savior

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I was working my shift at the diner. All the customers here were used to my silent way of serving them. I almost never spoke. None of them were sure why but didn't question it as it has always been that way. I had just finished taking Mr. Gold's order when my boyfriend walked in. Great. "Where were you this morning?" he yelled. I gestured to the tables around me. "Speak when I talk to you!" he yelled again. "You know you aren't supposed to leave till I dismiss you!"

"We have bills," I muttered.

"I don't care, you do as I say!"

"I'm not living on the street," I muttered.

Mr. Gold's POV

I stood and grabbed his hand as he moved to slap her. "Now dearie, that's not very nice."

"Who are you?" he asked jerking out of my grasp.

"Your landlord," I replied. "And it seems you need some lessons on how to treat a woman."

"I'll treat her how I see fit," he growled. I felt (y/n) at my side shaking.

"I'm kicking you out of her apartment. I won't tolerate that kind of behavior."

"What about my stuff?"

"You can pick it up later," (Y/N) spoke up from behind me. Once he left I told her I'd change the locks free of charge.

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