Hulk/Bruce Banner- My Green Knight

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My Green Knight

All I could feel right now was pain? What the hell happened? I knew that one I was laying on something cold and hard and two, that I had been saved something very large green creature. I managed to open my eyes and right in front of me was the Hulk. "Jumping crickets," I muttered. "So I wasn't dreaming, what happened?" I asked looking at him.

"You're not afraid," he said. I think he was shocked. I shook my head but didn't try to get up. I didn't think I could yet.

"You saved me, I just don't remember from what," I replied. I felt my body shake in a shiver.

"Human's cold," he stated. 

"Yes," I replied. He placed his hand over me like a blanket. He was so gentle despite his size. I held onto one of his fingers, fascinated by the size difference. "What happened?"

"Males were hurting you," he said. I remembered now, I had been walking home when three drunk males attacked me. I was trying to get away from them when three more came out of nowhere and I was cornered. I was trapped and they started to do whatever they pleased. That's when this guy in front of me stepped in.

"Thank you for saving me," I said. I slowly sat up, holding onto his hand for balance. "What's your name? Mine's (Y/N)."

Hulk," he said. He joined me in the cave as it started to rain. We both talked for a while, getting to know each other. I curled up next to him and fell asleep. He was very warm and I felt safe with him. When I woke the next morning the green man wasn't next to me, but a naked man with salt and pepper hair and slightly tanned skinned.

I took my coat off and covered him and got up to stretch. I saw an apple tree nearby so I went to get a few for breakfast. Where was I? This wasn't anywhere close to town. I returned to the cave I had spent the night in as it was cold outside of it. Eventually, the man I was sitting beside woke up. "Who are you?" he asked.

"I believe you saved me last night, you were just in your other form, you said you were Hulk. So who do I have the pleasure of meeting this morning?" I asked holding out an apple.

"Bruce," he said taking the apple.

"I suppose you'll need some clothes," I said.

"That would be great," he said.

"How far are we from town? I have some clothes at my place you can have." So after we ate we headed back towards town, with Bruce wearing my coat. We talked as we walked and I liked this man, he was kind, gentle. I didn't usually find those traits in males. We made in back to my very small house where I told him to make himself comfortable and I went to get him some clothes. Once I had them I pointed him toward the bathroom.

I then began to fix some food and I changed my clothes. After that day Bruce ended up staying with me.

One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora