Sherlock-There are Two of You

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A/N: I don't know what to do with this story. I'll post what I have here and you guys can tell me if I should continue or scrap it. If I continue I need some ideas.

And this may jump around. It's been a while since I've looked at it.


There's Two of You


Most know about Sherlock and his older brother Mycroft. Some had even heard the rumors of 'the other one' referring to his older sister. The Holmes child most have not heard about however is Sherlock's twin sister. She may be younger than him by five minutes but she acts as though she's the older. This is the story of how she is reunited with her brother and how she defended he older brothers when they were kids.

Chapter 1

A tall figure walked along the lit streets of London. The stars shone on this particular night but there was no moon to light the figure's way. She didn't need it however. Her vision was better than perfect and her night vision was even better. She pulled her trench coat tighter to her small frame as the winter wind blew. Her breath rose around her but she paid it no mind, just like the cabs that rolled by her.

The cabs would be warm yes but to her a cage after the five years of hell she had just survived. She was going back to the one place she knew would be safe, her brother's flat of 221B Baker Street. The winter wind blew again whipping her waist length black curly hair into her face. She ignored it and kept her hands in her coat pockets. Her phone beeped indicating a text. She glanced at it, pulling the device from the deep pocket. Mycroft had texted her. He's waiting for you. Mycroft. The text read.

She knew her twin thought she was dead because Mycroft had intercepted her every attempt to talk to him. The pair had never been apart before. They even shared a room at night since they were infants. She wondered what fury she would face. How angry is he? She texted back.

Very, but more so at me. I explained everything. Mycroft. Her eldest brother sent back. She shoved the phone back into her pocket, she was beyond furious with Mycroft. She and Sherlock never did well when apart.

"Miss, do you need a ride?" a cabbie asked. This cabbie had been following her and passed ten times in the past two miles.

"No thank you now please stop following me," the tall, thin girl replied. The cab drove off and the girl narrowed her silver eyes at it before knocking on 221B. A short older woman came to the door.

"Can I help you dear?" she asked. The tall girl towered over her by more than a foot and her dark hair was a sharp contrast to the woman's red.

"I'm here to see my brother, he lives in 221B," the girl stated kindly, her hands clasped behind her back.

"Just right up those stairs dear," she said stepping aside and pointing to the stair case just inside the door.

"Thank you," the girl said going right on up. The flat was surprisingly quiet for an angry Sherlock. "Sher!" the girl called walking right into his living room. The flat was also surprisingly neat. A man was sitting in an arm chair. Even sitting down his posture made it clear he was military, not to mention his hair cut. "Afghanistan or Iraq?"

"How?" the man asked.

"Posture and hair cut say military. Where's Sherlock?" the girl asked looking around.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I might ask you the same question. Where is my brother?!" the girl asked trying not to shout.

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