Loki-All I Ask of You

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All I Ask of You

Today Loki was meeting my parents. I hadn't wanted this day to come, but since we were engaged, he thought they should know. I thought they could fob off. They had planned out my whole life for me when I was little and Loki, well, he didn't fit those ideas. This was not going to go well. 

He wanted to meet my family though. I had met his and his awful father. Hopefully, my parents' delicate sensibilities wouldn't be offended. I could only imagine what they would say to Loki. Loki didn't need to hear their hate, he had had far too much of that in his life.

I just wanted to protect him. Sometimes he didn't believe I loved him or that I even could. I had given him a promise ring two years ago for his birthday. It was made from black obsidian with a gold inscription on the inside and a line of small emeralds on the outside going all the way around. The inscription read "Forever and Always" to remind him that I would always love him.

Loki had agreed to meet my parents in a public place. I was hoping that would mean they wouldn't make as much of a scene. So I decided to have them meet us at a quiet diner. A lot of Sam's friends worked and or ate here. I felt safe here, if things got out of hand, someone would step in. Everyone here was fond of me.

"Where's your mind at?" Loki asked as I just stared out the window.

I took his hand and took a deep breath letting it out as a huff. "Worrying," I replied leaning into him. There was a reason I left home. For some godforsaken reason, Tony had to fly my family out here instead of me going to them. Now they knew what state I lived in, great.

"It'll be fine," Loki said rubbing my arm.

"I don't want you to get hurt," I said playing with my hands. Loki experienced enough pain in his life.

"I won't, they'll be happy for you." I knew he was trying to make me feel better, but at the moment I'd rather be having breakfast in bed with him discussing our favorite books or walking around the park planning a prank on Tony or Thor. Instead, I found myself here, having to see my parents for the first time in years.

Just then two people appeared in front of us, "So what's the big news?"

"Wow, nice to see you too mom. How you been? I'm fine thanks," I said in an annoyed sarcastic tone.

"We were on a 12-hour flight, this had better be good," my father said. 

"First off, I know your flight wasn't more than three hours and you flew first class, courtesy of one of my friends, so stop the pity fest." They both fell silent and looked at me. "I'd like to introduce you to my long term boyfriend and fiance, Loki." They both just stared for a minute.

"You're marrying him?" my mother asked.

"I believe I just said that," I replied.

"You do know what he's done? He could hurt you!" my father said.

"I'm perfectly aware of his past and don't worry about me. You never have before." I knew a lot about Loki's past: the pain, the suffering, not belonging, torture, the mistakes, the nightmares.

"Why does he have a ring and you don't? The man should always ask the woman, never the other way around." I rolled my eyes at my mother's comment.

Both parents had very strict views of how things should be done. "Her ring is being custom made, we wanted our rings to be unique," Loki said.

"Why is yours done? And why is it on your right hand?" my mother continued with her bashing.

"It's a promise ring," Loki said uncertain.

"You should be promising her, not her you. Why are you with him? Can he provide for you? Take care of you?"

I cut my father off, "He's the best. And you should have care of how you speak, he's a prince and a god."

"He's a killer!" my dad shouted.

"The same thing was said about you when you came home from the war. Come on Loki, let's go."

"Don't you know what he is? He's a frost giant, a monster!" my father shouted.

I was reaching my breaking point. Thankfully someone stepped in. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You're upsetting the other customers." My savior was no other than Bucky. Bucky and I were close. I had been one of the few to get close to him after he escaped Hydra. I had earned his trust, protected him when Hydra had tried to capture him again. From that, we had developed a friendship that would last a lifetime. He was like a brother to me.

"I'm not the one causing a problem here. They are, by getting married," my father shouted.

"All you need is love," someone in the diner shouted.

"How can he love her after all he's done?" I tried to pull Loki out the door as my father continued. I didn't want him hearing this, he already thought lowly of himself. I tuned out as Loki started to lose focus and zone out. I realized he was having some kind of flashback. I left my parents to argue with Bucky and went outside with Loki and sat on a bench.

"You're okay Loki, you're safe," I said brushing hair out of his face. He continued to just stare ahead blinking. "I'm never going to leave you Loki," I said still brushing hair out of his face.

"No more talk of darkness
forget these wide-eyed fears
I'm here, nothing can harm you
my words will warm and calm you

Let me be your freedom
let daylight dry your tears
I'm here, with you, beside you
to guard you and to guide you..." I sang pulling him close.

         "Say you love me every waking moment
turn my head with talk of summertime.
Say you need me with you now and always
promise me that all you say is true
that's all I ask of you...." Loki sang back.
"Let me be your shelter

let me be your light
you're safe, no one will find you
your fears are far behind you." I held him tightly.
          "All I want is freedom

a world with no more night
and you, always beside me
to hold me and to hide me..." Loki sang.
"Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime

let me lead you from your solitude.
Say you need me with you, here beside you
anywhere you go, let me go too
Loki, that's all I ask of you."
             "Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime

say the word and I will follow you.
Share each day with me

each night, each morning.
Say you love me!" Loki sang and I knew that love was what he wanted most.
"You know I do." I sang back before we sang together.
   "Love me, that's all I ask of you
Anywhere you go let me go too
Love me
That's all I ask of you."

I held him against me, I would never let him go. He had experienced so much hate in his life.

3rd POV

The soon to be engaged couple stood by her car in each other's arms. The bystander could hear them singing to each other. The brunette with a metal arm watched as the parents talked about how disgusting and undone this kind of thing was. The silent soldier finally turned toward them.

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